It really doesn’t take all that much to make liberals blow a gasket, but what Golf Digest did when it ranked presidential golfers has sent a lot of them up to the stratosphere. And to be honest, their reaction has been delicious. I mean, seeing liberals lose their minds, after they’ve been trying for so many years to make the vast majority of us do the same thing by forcing their insane worldview down our throats is sort of cathartic.

According to Breitbart, the publication tweeted its ranking of U.S. presidents using their golf handicaps and not long after the post started taking heat due to the fact that former President Donald Trump was at the top of the list. How many liberals do you think just had to go on blood pressure medication due to seeing Trump’s name in the number one spot?

Trump had a score of 2.8 while current President Joe Biden was in the second spot with a 6.7. Leftists suffering from a raging case of Trump Derangement Syndrome lost their cool and claimed that neither one of these scores could possibly be correct.

Sportswriter Rick Reilly weighed in on the tweet, saying, “Wrong on Trump (10 at best). Wrong on Biden (no chance). Wrong on Nixon (a 15 at best and only took the game up to suck up to Ike), wrong on Taft (way worse) and wrong on FDR (won many REAL amateur events b4 polio).”

Reilly fired off another post saying that Biden’s 6.7 should be a plain 6. “Biden WAS a 6 a long long time ago.”

“While Reilly’s corrections of the Golf Digest scores may not seem to be too far off the mark, it is hard to believe anything he says after he has been caught outright lying and getting facts seriously wrong in his past reporting,” Breitbart reported.

There was a steady supply of commenters on the tweet that slammed Trump for being a “liar” and then used that accusation to doubt his 2.8 handicap.

Breitbart then said, “But few believed that Joe Biden has anything like a 6.7 handicap, either. Many noted that he can barely walk to a podium or ride a bike, much less play eighteen holes of golf.”

One individual pointed out that some of Biden’s scores published back in 2018 reveal how far off he was from having a 6.7 even at that time.

Of course, at the end of the day, golf scores don’t mean a whole lot. The purpose of covering the story is to reveal just how much the left hates Trump. It doesn’t matter what he is involved in or how little what he decides to do impacts your life, the left is going to find new ways to attack him.

They want the utter destruction of his life. Nothing else will suffice. He must suffer for daring to stand on conservative values and work for the good of the American people. The left just hates that about Trump. And make no mistake, what they are doing to him, they want to do to you too. It’s only a matter of time.
