As ‘wokeness’ sweeps the country following the death of George Floyd, one of only a handful of black men who die at the hands of police in the U.S. each year – which is still fewer than the number of whites who are killed by law enforcement – HBO felt compelled to get in on it so they could burnish their corporate credentials.

Never mind the nearly $1 billion in revenue the network generates each year featuring primarily featuring ‘Hate America First’ programming. That’s not enough. To be truly woke in this day and age, it requires ditching as much Americana as possible.

So, in that vein, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the subscription television network eliminated the classic 1939 Civil War drama “Gone with the Wind,” starring the late Clark Gable (who says the first swear word on film – “damn”) and Vivien Leigh.

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What’s the movie about? “A manipulative woman and a roguish man conduct a turbulent romance during the American Civil War and Reconstruction periods,” according to the Internet Movie Database

Yes, it’s a movie featuring slavery as a backdrop because it takes place in the Confederacy. But it’s not a slave movie. You could describe it as just a good old-fashioned pre-World War II-era romance.

But that’s the point of ditching it now, make no mistake, because HBO could have chosen to get rid of several other movies in which slavery is either inferred or depicted. But ‘woke’ executives chose Gone with the Wind instead.

Breitbart News reported

An HBO Max spokesman said Tuesday the film was pulled because of “ethnic and racial prejudices” that were “counter to WarnerMedia’s values.”

Black actress Hattie Daniel won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar of 1940 for her performance in the epic, the first black actor or actress to win an Oscar.

Although the film is not available to watch on HBO Max, several copies are still listed for sale on eBay and the digital copy of the film is available to rent on Amazon.

Well, if it’s ‘ethnic and racial prejudices’ that execs are worried about, that’s different. After all, there isn’t any ethnic or racial prejudices – black, white, Hispanic – depicted in any other movie in HBO’s catalogue, right?

In any event, the sacking of ‘Gone’ has been a mini-boon for Amazon. Early Wednesday, after HBO made its politicized decision, the film shot to No. 1 on the e-tailer platform, indicating that plenty of Americans still appreciate a good romance no matter what period the film is set in. 

It may not sound like much, but it is: This is what we used to call the “silent majority” in action. Americans fed up with being given their opinion about every issue by the Left is standing up and, in a very traditional, very non-violent way pushing back against the tyranny. 

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And that’s what it is…tyranny. Left-wing, Democrat-enforced tyranny

It’s just more evidence that the political divide between Left and Right has become irreconcilable. Worse, the irony is thick: The same corporate beneficiaries of our capitalist society that Leftists hate are now siding with them in what will ultimately prove to be a futile attempt at self-preservation.

Because when the time comes, the authoritarians at the corporate gates will come crashing through no matter how much prior virtue-signaling was performed from the board rooms.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.