Without a doubt, the political divide in America is as wide today as it was in the 1850s, the decade preceding the Civil War.

But instead of a grossly unjust system of enslaving people tearing us apart, the battleground today is wholly ideological.

One element is comprised of factions including anti-constitutional, anti-libertarian anarchists and Left-wing Marxists who are engaged in a full-blown cultural revolution. They destroy monuments, they sabotage federal infrastructure, they battle police, and they shout down and attack ideological opposites and prevent them from speaking or earning a living.

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The other is comprised of America-first Trump conservatives and constitutionalists who want to preserve the best parts of our founding: Real equality; maximum liberty; guaranteed freedoms; small government; opportunity for all; self-determination; responsibility; and self-government.

And at the moment, frankly, the country literally could go either way.

It’s been said so much before that it seems trite and cliché, but this time it really is true: The fate of our country is coming down to a single election cycle – the November elections.

The Democrat Party has been hijacked by Left-wing extremists, abject communists, socialists, and Marxists who abhor republicanism and seek to impose a brand their brand of groupthink tyranny on all. President Trump and a handful of Republicans are all that stand in their way.

Last week during an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, House Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California warned that if Trump and Republicans lose this fall, “I don’t know if we’ll ever have an opportunity to win it again.”

“They will change the rules of the game. How we vote, they will change, you know, in California they allow people who are not even citizens to vote in school board races,” he added. 

“You know, in California, they lowered the voting age to 17. Do you know, in California, that you could turn your ballot in 17 days after the election? Those are things they’re doing right now. That’s what they’ll do across the country…they’ll expand the Supreme Court, there won’t be 50 states, there will be 52 states…”

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The Political Insider added

McCarthy should know. As he mentions, California is leading the liberal states in disenfranchising Republicans and conservatives. Ballot harvesting, which he eludes to, steals elections. It cost the GOP several House seats in Southern California in 2018. Illegal immigrant voting and voting fraud are rampant in California, as no voter ID is practiced or allowed. County election offices are filled with partisan Democrats who will do everything and anything to keep and put Democrats in power. As Stalin said, “It doesn’t matter who votes. It matters who counts the votes.”

At the national level, if Democrats win in the fall the Supreme Court will be stacked with a rubber stamp far-left majority and Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia will become states, adding four Senate seats and numerous House seats to the Democrat total. McCarthy isn’t kidding or overplaying this. Almost everything is on the line.

There is no doubt these assessments are correct. While the Left will go insane if Trump wins again, at least we’ll still have a president who isn’t committed to literally burning down the country to impose tyranny.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.