Yes, you read the headline correctly: A Republican lawmaker has introduced a bill to ensure that only Americans who are actually alive and otherwise qualified to cast ballots get to vote.

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And we can likely credit the absurdity that our electoral process has become following what seems to be, by all accounts, mass electoral fraud, if we’re judging by the 1,000-plus affidavits and other evidence Team Trump has collected from witnesses in several swing states.

A statement from Texas GOP Rep. Brian Babin, a dentist representing the Lone Star State’s 36th Congressional District notes said the legislation was introduced “following allegations of voter fraud, especially the ballots of deceased individuals being cast absentee in the 2020 presidential election.”

“The right to vote is one of the most vital pillars of our democracy, the foundations of which are election integrity and confidence in our democratic processes,” said Babin. 

“The ease with which someone is able to steal the ballot of a deceased person and cast an illegitimate vote should disturb, alarm, and outrage every American citizen, no matter what side of the aisle they sit on,” he continued. 

“To protect our democratic process and Americans’ faith in our elections, we must ensure that deceased individuals are not allowed to remain on state voter rolls.”

Babin added:“My bill will prevent any funds from the U.S. Departments of Transportation or Education, with the exception of those going toward law enforcement agency grants, from going to counties of any state that do not annually check their voter lists against the Social Security Administration’s most recent death records in order to purge them of any individuals found to be deceased. 

“All elected officials, from your local city council member to your U.S. President, have an obligation to obey the law and prevent fraud in our elections, and Congress should not be awarding taxpayer dollars to any counties or states that refuse to do the job they swore to do,” he said.

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We’re not sure if this is pathetic or comical, or a combination of both. But what we do know is this: We have reached a sad state of affairs in our country when a sitting congressperson feels compelled to offer legislation specifically to prevent the use of dead people in casting ballots.

If this legislation doesn’t scream ‘We Need Voter ID Now,’ nothing does.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.