GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois may as well switch to the Democratic Party because, really, he’s no longer a member of the Republican Party.

How do we know that? Because the GOP belongs to President Donald Trump these days, which is not going to change anytime soon. So Kinzinger’s rabid anti-Trump attitude is no longer an asset to the party he claims as home.

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Case in point: The Illinois representative’s reaction to a tweet by President Trump on Saturday.

Anyone with a functional brain stem knows without any doubt that Democrats – with assists from their deep state allies and the pathetic, worthless ‘mainstream’ media – altered the outcome of the presidential election in favor of Joe Biden.

There is simply no way to plausibly suggest that an elderly man exhibiting early stages of dementia and a running mate who was so unpopular with the Democratic base she couldn’t make it out of 2019 as a presidential candidate bested the inspiring, energetic President Trump. 

That said, Trump is understandably angry about what happened. He and his campaign were well aware of the real polling data; they knew they were ahead in the key battleground states. After weeks of standing-room-only campaign events and venues, the president had all the momentum, despite economic activity being dampened by perpetual COVID lockdowns.

He’s also angry at having been targeted successively since before he won the 2016 election by the FBI, Justice Department, and the intelligence community for the ‘crime’ and ‘sin’ of winning an election.

It’s a disgrace what elements of our government have done to President Trump. But it’s an even bigger disgrace when elected men and women who ought to know better criticize Trump for being angry and pointing out the obvious, which is, our governing institutions no longer function as they were designed.

Enter Kinzinger.

He blasted Trump for a tweet the president sent out on Saturday in which he complained – rightfully so – that the Justice Department’s careerists have purposely slow-walked investigations into the origins of the ‘Spygate’ probe into his campaign, as well as repeatedly refused to hold anyone accountable for the lying and the other crimes committed in the process.

“The ‘Justice’ Department and the FBI have done nothing about the 2020 Presidential Election Voter Fraud, the biggest SCAM in our nation’s history, despite overwhelming evidence. They should be ashamed. History will remember. Never give up. See everyone in D.C. on January 6th,” Trump wrote.

Kinzinger responded: “My God. Trying to burn the place down on the way out because you can’t handle losing. No evidence, nothing but your temper tantrum and crazy conspiracies. Embarrassing. #RestoreOurGOP.”

‘No evidence’? ‘Temper tantrum?’ ‘Crazy conspiracies?’ 

You see, when there comes such a denial in the face of so much overwhelming evidence the president is spot-on correct, then the denier becomes part of the problem.

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If anything needs to be ‘burned down,’ it is those institutions, at a minimum. It’s obvious they no longer function as designed because they are controlled by deep state functionaries and careerists who have recoiled at the election of President Trump since November 2016.

Kinzinger should just change his party affiliation. There won’t be any ‘restoration’ of the GOP; Donald Trump has already done that. And not a moment too soon.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.