Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott tore into Kamala Harris this week for her continued “failure” and refusal to visit the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.

During an interview on Fox News “Sunday Morning Features,” Scott was asked about the Biden administration’s response to the crisis.

“You know this is the border with the governor from Arizona what you saw was clearly man-made the man is Joe Biden, he shut down the finishing the wall didn’t get gates up shut down technology didn’t electrify lights cameras doesn’t make sense Director Wray has said the cartel is operating in their state look at poor children, and women that are trafficked 14-year-old nick are a Ragan boy on in the desert how could Biden do this in my state you are seeing I you took law enforcement, sheriffs will say there is an increase in fentanyl, amount of fentanyl overdoses that happened since Joe Biden got elected,” Scott said.

He added: “Fentanyl coming across southern border completely open now, except now making America unsafe because of drugs unsafe because you know there are some wonderful people that want to come to our country you should go through a legal process we believe in legal immigration, but we also have people that aren’t wonderful that are coming to our country, they are not here to do good for Americans they are going to hurt us.”

“So high heart goes out to people being trafficked caused by Joe Biden things happening to American citizens because of what Joe Biden has done I don’t get why he wouldn’t go to border it is not that hard 6% been – I have been there two years twice go down see what is going on I don’t get, that he doesn’t want people to know what is happening down there, let’s be honest with American public, he says look I want open borders be honest that is what he is going to do that is what he is doing,” he concluded.

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Last month, Scott released a statement to his website slamming Kamala Harris for only “flying over the border at 35,000 feet” while she met with other world leaders instead of addressing the Biden border crisis.

“Today, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement after Vice President Harris announced she will take her first international trip next month to meet with the presidents of Guatemala and Mexico – flying over the actual crisis on the United States southern border,” Scott said.

“Harris has still refused to visit the U.S. southern border to see the crisis caused by Biden’s open borders and amnesty policies firsthand. Last week, Senator Scott announced his intention to hold President Biden’s nominees to fill positions at the Department of Homeland Security until the president honors his commitment and visits the border and confronts the dangerous national security threat and humanitarian crisis he has created there,” he continued.

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Flying over the border at 35,000 feet doesn’t count as a visit. Now, 123 days since taking office, it’s shocking to see the lengths to which President Biden and Vice President Harris will go to avoid seeing the border crisis for themselves,” he said.

He continued: “Apprehensions at the border rose above 178,000 in April alone, nearly 6,000 a day. This is about the safety of American families. We must secure the border now.”
