It’s been nearly two months since George Floyd died in Minneapolis, an incident that triggered widespread protests, rioting, and condemnation around the country.

In response to his death, the Black Lives Matter movement came back from the dormant. Corporations adopted new ‘woke’ policies. Companies changed the names of their historic products. Professional sports leagues have adopted BLM verbiage and messaging. Some sports teams have been forced to ditch their decades-old nicknames. Murals have been painted in streets. Statues have been toppled and removed. And Left-wing city councils all over the country are contemplating or actually defunding their police departments.

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To say that nothing has come of Floyd’s untimely and unfortunate demise is a lie. 

So, why are violent protests continuing to this day? Why are federal courthouses under siege? Why are police under attack every night? Why are business owners still getting their shops ransacked and looted?

And why are conservative journalists trying to cover these events being stabbed on the street?

That’s what Andrew Duncomb, 25, who films demonstrations and other political events under the moniker “Black Rebel,” wants to know.

As reported by The Oregonian:

Duncomb, who is Black and a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump, told The Oregonian/OregonLive that he had traveled last Friday to Portland from his home in Northern California to document the nightly unrest outside the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse and county Justice Center.

He had a specific agenda in mind.

“My main goal was to show that it wasn’t just the feds creating the problems,” Duncomb said.

You may recall that the dumb-dumbs running Portland – Mayor Ted Wheeler, we’re looking at you – have blamed the ongoing violence in that hub of Antifa on President Donald Trump and his administration for daring to defend a federal courthouse that has come under siege there.

It wasn’t initially; for most of the past 62 straight days of violence, Leftist ‘revolutionaries’ had focused on burning down local iconic elk statues and terrorizing Portland police.

It was only after the mobs eventually turned their attention to the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse, which was defended by federal officers, did ‘the feds’ become a problem. 

As for Duncomb, he believes that the Marxist anarchists continue to wreak havoc in Portland alerted others of his presence. And as you can see from this video, it certainly seems as though someone knew who he was.

**Warning: Graphic

“The trouble in downtown Portland started just before 2:30 a.m. Saturday when a group began trailing him and a few of his friends for several blocks, according to Duncomb and court records,” The Oregonian reported.

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Duncomb eventually handed his video camera to a friend and then decided to confront one of the men from the group.

“Someone’s stalking us,” the friend can be heard saying in the video as Duncomb approaches the man, who wore a respirator, goggles and a pair of brown Carhart overalls, near Southwest Salmon Street and Fourth Avenue.

“Hey buddy, why are you following us?” Duncomb says as he comes up from behind the man and wraps his arm around the man’s shoulder, the video shows.

At that, the man is seen pulling out a knife and sticking it into Duncomb, as the friend starts yelling that Duncomb had been attacked while imploring others along the street to “get” the assailant.

Is this our ‘new normal’ — coronavirus mask mandates to hide identities of criminals and anarchy?


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.