Conservatives have long questioned the real intent behind former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of alleged “Russian interference” in the 2016 election, mostly because he and his Democrat prosecutors largely ignored President Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton.

For instance, we’ve known for years now that the 2016 Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee bought and paid for the bogus “dossier” compiled by FBI lapdog Christopher Steele, who relied solely on Russian misinformation for his report.

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That link alone should have triggered some interest from Mueller. But it didn’t. After about 18 months and 40 million taxpayer bucks, the only people indicted and/or convicted by the Mueller squad were associated in some way to Team Trump or the president himself.

But now, thanks to new revelations this week, we also know what we’ve suspected for some time: That the president’s first national security adviser, former three-star general Michael Flynn, was set up by Barack Obama’s FBI.

And what’s more, it’s quite possible that Mueller and his squad of Clinton-backing prosecutors knew about Flynn’s set-up.

As noted by Red State:

The Flynn records which were unsealed by the DOJ on Wednesday night sent shockwaves throughout Washington. The documents prove that Gen. Michael Flynn was “set up” by top FBI officials for purely political reasons.

A closer look at the pages contained in the document reveals another disturbing issue. While reviewing the “new” DOJ/Flynn documents, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) noticed that each page was stamped by the SCO and had its own identification number. It appears as if they were part of the Special Counsel Office’s private collection of documents.

“Did Mueller have these docs? Why did his team sit on them? What else is Mueller team that cost taxpayers $30+ million hiding? The ppl deserve answers 2restore faith in federal law enforcement agencies,” Grassley noted in a tweet.

In his Thursday podcast, Fox News contributor Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, also addressed the SCO markings in a footnote on the first page of the released documents.

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The footnote reads: “Note that the enclosed spreadsheet (DOJSCO-700023473 – DOJSCO700023475), which contains messages between and among various Bureau personnel, is an index and another detailed version of these messages is forthcoming.”

Anonymous Twitter lawyer “Techno Fog” may have been the first to notice the footnote and the SCO designation. He wrote, “Curious if Team Mueller had these all along…?”

If so, that means Mueller and his ‘top-flight’ prosecutors may have hidden exculpatory evidence.

Maybe it’s time to get Mueller’s team, which was led by hyper-partisan Andrew Weissmann, before a grand jury and ask them some probing questions, under oath, about these documents, along with any other evidence they saw that they haven’t released.

Inquiring conservatives want to know.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.