Few conservative media personalities have the ability to go scorched earth on left-wing hypocrisy like Fox News host Greg Gutfeld.

Using a combo of rationality, humor, and quick wit, he hones in on it like a boss and when he’s done, most are left staring at him in awe.

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The Daily Caller has more:

“…Gutfeld unloaded on what he claimed was the media’s double standard with regard to political violence, saying on Thursday’s “The Five” that consistency was what made conservatives different.

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Gutfeld argued that vandalism and violence were bad no matter who the perpetrators were, saying that what set conservatives apart was that they did not pick and choose which violent mobs to condemn.

“Vandalism and looting, whether it is D.C., Portland, Soho, Kenosha, Minneapolis, Seattle, it’s all bad no matter who he’s doing it,” Gutfeld began. “We must remain consistent. That’s what makes us different from the rest. We don’t play favorites with mobs. The other side does, but we don’t.”

He added that what he saw at the Capitol Building on Wednesday struck a personal chord with him because last summer, as ‘social justice’ riots rocked the nation, his New York City neighborhood was also trashed.

“I heard a pundit say that even Republicans are outraged by this behavior,” Gutfeld continued. “Duh. Republicans are always outraged by bad behavior, because they consistently, consistently embrace law and order, and condemn the destruction of private and public property. I do believe the Capitol is a sacred place. I also believe that the guy who invested his life savings in a small business, to him, that was a sacred place, too. So it’s consistency.”

He noted that by the media pointing to Republicans who are condemning what happened, they are also highlighting the fact that Democrats were virtually silent “when our cities were in flames” at the hands of Antifa and BLM.

“Americans do not need lectures from hypocrites in hair and makeup who pick and choose their favorite protesters, right?” Gutfeld said, adding that doesn’t think he’ll see Republicans getting together to raise bail money for the Capitol rioters the way Democrats (including Vice President-elect Kamala Harris) did for the left-wing rioters last year. “I’m glad Democrats are finally outraged by this disgusting behavior. Join the club! I’ve been there for a year! I do not play favorites with mobs.”

He then gave President-elect Joe Biden a little friendly warning/advice.

“If you want to unify this country, Joe Biden, you can’t sit there and act like the tough guy now. You’ve got to deal with half a country that feels that they have been disenfranchised, disrespected, lied to by the media, marginalized by media, made to feel small by the media. Their eyes are open. This is a red-pilled America.”

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Boom – and boy, is it ever. In the post-Trump era, for the foreseeable future anyway, if a GOP candidate wants to win the party’s presidential nod, he or she has to show they can truly put their voters and our country first.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.