The only thing worse than being told by a Washington politician that Americans should come second (and third) to other people in other nations during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression is being told that by a Washington politician who is a multimillionaire.

You likely have heard that the latest COVID-19 “relief” bill contains hundreds of billions in relief to interests that are beneficial to Washington politicians while only paying out a paltry 600 bucks to Americans hard hit by perpetual coronavirus lockdowns and business closures.

President Trump vetoed the relief bill because he wants Americans to receive $2,000 checks – an amount that might actually help a great many of them who are on their last couple of bucks before bankruptcy.

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But Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), net worth about $280 million, says no.

“If we went to $2,000 per person, the additional borrowing would be up to almost $500 billion,” Romney said, according to Utah’s KUTV. “Someone’s got to pay for that. We can’t just have free money.”

Really? Where was Romney when the first coronavirus stimulus – which paid out $1,200 to most Americans – went out? He was right there voting for it, and he didn’t seem too concerned about ‘paying for it’ then. 

The difference now is Trump wants $2,000 for Americans, so of course, the anti-Trump Romney must reflexively oppose it.

Then again, he opposed the $600 payments too, like a Grinch.

What does Romney support?

The Epoch Times tells us:

However, Romney didn’t appear to be opposed to other spending measures included in the massive measure, including $300 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), billions of dollars for landlords, and $47 billion for transportation.

That said, it appears as though Trump’s going to ‘win’ – which means Americans and their families will win.

“Monday, I will bring the House back to a session where we will hold a recorded vote on our standalone bill to increase economic impact payments to $2,000,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a statement. “To vote against this bill is to deny the financial hardship that families face and to deny them the relief they need.”

Rep. Debbie Dingel (D-Mich.), said Sunday she believes that the additional money will be added.

“Republicans objected to passing it. We’re coming back in on Monday and we will vote on it again,” Dingell said on MSNBC’s “Velshi.”

“I’m not quite sure, I think everybody’s trying to figure out the parliamentary procedure, but I do believe it’ll pass the House,” she added. “So, Mr. President, talk to your Republican Senate, talk to your Republican leader. Let’s get this done for the American people.”

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It’s not as though the Republicans are objecting for the sake of it: Like the president, they object to the obscene amount of ‘pork’ spending contained in the bill. But as usual, the GOP has gotten outmaneuvered by the Democrats and will be in a tough spot if they refuse to support the increase because the bill itself also contains new unemployment benefits (though work is always preferable to endless government checks).

Either way, Mitt Romney isn’t going to be hurting. But because he hates Trump so much, he doesn’t care if you are hurting.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.