Fueled by a spring, summer, and fall of violence and anarchy in large Democrat-run cities, sales of guns in 2020 broke a number of records. 

According to Just the News, FBI background check statistics – which don’t reflect actual gun sales (because some people come back ineligible to purchase a firearm) but which are generally in the ballpark – show that Americans bought the most guns this year in two decades.

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In fact, perhaps because of the results of the Nov. 3 presidential election, gun sales really skyrocketed last month. Background checks via the FBI’s National Instant Background Check System (NICS) rose 40 percent from November 2019, with more than 3.6 million performed. 

The outlet added:

That number would be remarkable during any other year. Only one other month in NICS history prior to this year, December 2015, has broken three million. Yet November was only the fourth-busiest month for background checks during 2020 overall. In June, the FBI recorded 3,931,607 total checks, nearly topping 4,000,000 checks in a month for the first time and handily beating the previous monthly record of 3,740,688 checks set in March. 

The June record-breaker came amid widespread rioting, violence and unrest throughout the country driven by Black Lives Matter-led protests following the death in late May of black Minneapolis resident George Floyd while in the custody of police. 

It’s also believed that rising – and record – murder rates in many of the most violence-rocked cities also drove increased gun sales as more Americans realized that when seconds count, the police are always minutes away.

In addition to ongoing violence, ‘defund the police’ policies, endless COVID lockdowns, and economic fallout are also being blamed for the spike in gun sales.

“Overall, the FBI has recorded 35,758,249 background checks so far this year, a provisional number that is already 26% higher than last year’s total of nearly 28,400,000. That’s the second-highest percentage increase in the 21-year history of the NICS,” the outlet reported.

There’s more.

In June, as violence was reaching a pinnacle, the National Shooting Sports Foundation reported that 40 percent of gun sales at the time were to first-time buyers; nearly half of those first-timers were women, both significant increases.

“The main purchase driver among the group was personal protection, followed by target shooting and hunting,” said the group.

Added Peyton Galanti, a spokeswoman for Colonial Shooting Academy in Richmond, Va.: “Gun sales have been high and steady this entire year, even during the [COVID-19] shutdown” to include “people who never thought they’d own a gun.”

Meanwhile, in New York City where shootings and the murder rate have been steadily rising while the Big Apple’s Marxist anti-police mayor, Bill de Blasio, attacks his own department, applications for gun permits have soared to some 9,000 applications. But of course, according to the New York Post, the NYPD approved “fewer than 1,100.”

According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, “shootings [are] up 96% this year, and murders up by 39%” in New York City.

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It should also be noted that ammunition has become increasingly scarce, especially the most popular calibers (9mm, .40 cal., .223/5.56, .357, etc.) during the same period, meaning people aren’t just stocking up on guns but they’re stocking up on ammunition as well.

Like they know what’s coming.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.