It appears the Democrats have given up on luring Cuban and Venezuelan voters in Florida, so now they are heavily targeting Puerto Ricans.

The celebrity they chose to cut the ad was ‘Hamilton’ creator Lin Manuel-Miranda, who is of Puerto Rican descent. According to The Hill, it was none other than Michael Bloomberg himself who paid the $500k price tag for the ad to run.

“We need to vote for Joe Biden as president so he can help unify the country, take our small businesses forward and respect and help the Puerto Ricans on the island,” Miranda says in the ad.

The ad also credits Obama & Biden for “bringing us out” of the economic recession that “Republicans left” to our country in 2008.

Finally, they tout Obamacare as the shining accomplishment that “helped give healthcare to millions of latinos”.

However, could this ad is be a desperate response to Puerto Rican Governor Wanda Vázquez’s endorsement of Trump earlier this week?

Here’s what she had to say in her endorsement:

“I ask all Puerto Ricans that are listening to go vote. They have to go vote, exercise their right to vote, and evaluate who has Puerto Ricans and their needs in the hardest moment…It’s Donald Trump,”

In response to Vázquez’s endorsement, Juan Carlos Benitzez of ‘Latinos For Trump’ had this to say:

“Biden thinks so little of Boricuas that he believes that by playing ‘Despacito’ we will forget how his horrible policies hurt Puerto Ricans. But Hispanics have not forgotten how Biden presided over the most ‘despacito’ economic growth since the Great Depression.”

After polls showing Cubans and Venezuelans are supporting Trump by huge margins, the Democrats are trying this last-ditch effort to lure Puerto Rican voters.

Democrats think so little of these voters that they are trying to win their vote by sticking a celebrity in their face and playing popular songs by Puerto Rican artists.

Sorry Democrats, but that won’t work this time around.

Here’s the Pro-Biden ad that Bloomberg paid for (watch if you speak the language):


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump