On Saturday afternoon, President Trump addressed a crowd of passionate “BLEXIT” supporters from the White House balcony. “BLEXIT” stand for “Black exit” from the Democrat party. Millions of black voters across the country are changing their votes to TRUMP after being betrayed by the liberal media for so many years.

Just over a week since his COVID diagnosis, President Trump seems to be back to true form and stronger than ever after his electric speech to the crowd.

“Democrats have run nearly every inner-city in America— and I mean for 100 years— and their policies have delivered nothing but calamity, poverty, and trouble. Sleepy Joe Biden [has] betrayed Black and Latino Americans,” Trump told the cheering crowd.


At another point in his speech, President Trump thanked his supporters for praying for him after his COVID diagnosis:

Watch the entire speed here (fast forward to the 2:25 mark of the video);

Candace Owens shared this picture of the crowd after the speech:

Comment below if you’re happy to see that Trump is BACK!


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump