The slow, steady, Democrat-led destruction of the city of San Francisco is progressing, and it has little to do with the Wuhan coronavirus.

Last week, city-based writer Erica Sandberg began organizing what she described as “see for yourself/think for yourself” walks through San Francisco so that residents of the city can experience the sights and sounds of the homeless crisis created and exacerbated by Left-wing policies.

That way, as Red State notes, people could indeed see for themselves without peering through the lens of politicians, activists, and the mainstream media, all of whom have an agenda to perpetuate the homeless problem based on the ignorant premise of “compassion.”

Sandberg took to Twitter to announce that after calling on people to join her, eight people volunteered.

What they saw is a terrifying panorama of despair, crime, decay, and disgust — truly as city spiraling out of control.”

While the civilized portion of the city has been under a “shelter-in-place” order due to the coronavirus pandemic since March 17, the restrictions do not apply to anyone “experiencing homelessness” (I didn’t know homelessness was an ‘experience;’ I thought it was a ‘condition’ or a ‘state of being’ but what do I know?).

Sandberg witnessed the fact that drug-dealing and abuse hasn’t been affected at all. She writes:

SF is in ruins. I’ve just started leading “see for yourself/think for yourself” walks around the Tenderloin [a neighborhood in SF] and beyond. SFPD gave me an escort, so two officers in a squad car were always 1/2 block away. This is all around City Hall. Even with the escort it was the only place I felt safe enough to take pics. That’s because cops were ensuring that tents were spaced out enough. What they couldn’t do is stop the flow of drugs. In EVERY tent people were either actively injecting or had just done so. Dealers were prolific.

There is a strange and false orderliness to this pic. All around it is utter chaos. Naked people crawling around in their own waste. People screaming, crying, passed out, fighting… it’s mayhem. And it’s all drugs and the mental illness that goes with it. But don’t believe me. Walk with me and I won’t say a word. Or go on your own. Just – please – don’t believe what you read from city leaders. It’s all false. The entire city is spiraling out of control.

By now, you’ve probably many examples of San Fran decay, but Sandberg’s walkabouts through the city reveal even worse conditions than you may realize.

As Sandberg notes in this tweet, “accurate information is vital. Without it, bad policy is created – and problems worsen.”

“If we don’t acknowledge what this is really is — a drug/addiction crisis of epic proportions — we will never stop the suffering. Throwing them fresh needles by the millions doesn’t help, nor will putting them into homes. ODs and violent drug-related crime [are] increasing. People are dying, and the city is perishing with them,” she adds.

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And while some people took her up on her walks, you know who didn’t? So-called “activists” and Left-wing organizations who claim to be ‘advocates’ for the homeless.

No one from Mayor London Breed’s office showed up, either. Neither did anyone from the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who ‘represents’ this district.

“If California’s elected officials were truly concerned about public health, they would take some of the billions of dollars they’ve received to “fight homelessness” and for coronavirus response and, as Sandbergargued in an April 3 article, set up MASH-style units at the Moscone Center and other places to quarantine the homeless population while providing substance abuse treatment and mental health interventions,” Red State noted.

Yes. If only they truly were concerned.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.