If Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald, author of the new book, “The War On Cops,” is correct, last summer’s riots were just a prelude to the nightmarish hell that’s coming.

In fact, it’s already here, to some degree, and getting worse.

In an interview earlier this week with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, Mac Donald commented on the rising incidents of brazen daytime street crimes including carjackings, assaults, shootings, and organized gang looting of high-end stores, where the robbers dash away with their booty to waiting getaway cars.

Not only are such crimes continuing to happen more frequently, but things are about to get a lot worse because Democrats have set us up for the anarchy she says is coming.

Biz Pac Review reported Thursday:

To begin the segment, Ingraham showed a surveillance video clip of what looks like a young man sneaking up behind an older man in New York City and throwing something on him that turned out to be scalding hot liquid, giving the man who was attacked substantial burn injuries as the attacker laughed.

She also noted that in Oakland, video showed a thief smashing a vehicle window and robbing the driver who was stuck in traffic, while in Washington, D.C., reports noted on Monday that three teenage girls were arrested after allegedly stunning a driver with a taser and attempting to steal his car in Navy Yard.

All three are examples of “light-touch policing,” Ingraham said, going on to accuse President Joe Biden of “letting the agitators drive the conversation” and predicting if it continues, then last summer’s rioting following the killing of George Floyd will return.

In bringing on Mac Donald, the Manhattan Institute senior fellow explained a concept she had mentioned earlier Wednesday during Ingraham’s podcast, in which she said that “slow-motion riots” were already taking place in larger American cities.

Mac Donald pointed out that “organized gangs” are engaging in crimes such as “mass looting” during the daytime as people are also assaulted openly by thugs and gang bangers who don’t fear any reprisal from law enforcement, “none of which are being acknowledged by the Democratic Party.”

There’s “a breakdown of law and order,” she added, accusing the national press of “not covering” the trend, all of which contribute to what she has dubbed a“slow-motion riot.”

“Anarchy is coming to our cities now,” she added, “thanks to the rhetoric of the Democrats, thanks to the constant impugning of the police by candidate Biden, by President Biden, that is causing them to back off, and criminals and low-lifes now feel emboldened.”

Ingraham then proceeded to play competing video clips of Chicago Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot who, in one, lashed out at then-President Donald Trump in July 2020 for his offer to send federal authorities to quell violence in her city, while in the other embracing President Joe Biden’s offer of federal assistance.

“Consistency is not the Democrats’ strong point. It’s too late. [President] Biden and [Chicago Mayor] Lori Lightfoot can want to refund the police all they want. They’re not going to be able to do it,” Mac Donald responded. “We are in a recruiting crisis. People have been leaving—officers have been leaving—in droves. Retirements are up 45 percent, resignations are up 18 percent and police officers are telling everyone they know: Don’t even think of joining this profession.

“Ambush assaults on officers is up 91 percent this year, officers are cursed at…resisted arrests… every time that they get out of their cars now on a regular basis,” she added.

“And so the Democrats are furiously backpedaling to trying and present themselves as the pro-police party. It’s not going to work. It’s not going to fool the American public,” said Mac Donald.

“And it’s not going to bring real substance and law and order back to the city unless they start retracting their long history of anti-cop statements,” she added.

(Credit: Fox News)


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.