One of the priorities for the American Marxists who are currently hijacking the Democrat Party is to make current police practices ineffective because that will cause the most chaos in our cities – and chaos leads to revolution and overthrow of the current constitutional order.

If you accept that premise, then you can begin to understand why they are calling for the complete defunding of police, as well as the relegation of police to a secondary ‘enforcement’ role within society.

It has nothing to do with ‘reform.’ It has everything to do with creating a societal construct so out of control and rife with anarchy Americans will scream for the new ‘order’ of ‘equality’ promised by the authoritarians who orchestrated the chaos to begin with.

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More importantly, we’re at the point now where these lunatic ideas are actually being put into practice. 

In Seattle, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and New York City, calls to defund or eliminate the police have been embraced by local socialist/Democrat leaders and are being acted upon. 

Meanwhile, in Berkeley, Calif., armed officers are being replaced by unarmed “city workers” to perform traffic stops (how many police dashcam videos have you seen online showing officers who have pulled motorists over being ambushed by armed assailants?).

The Epoch Times reports:

The Berkeley City Council’s vote directed the city manager and city officials to “reimagine public safety” and pursue the creation of a new Department of Transportation “to ensure a racial justice lens in traffic enforcement and the development of transportation policy, programs, & infrastructure,” according to a copy of the council’s agenda.

The goal is “to reduce and/or eliminate the practice of pretextual stops based on minor traffic violations.”

Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin, a Democrat who was endorsed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), folded the proposal into an omnibus motion.

Arreguin said he doesn’t expect a new transportation department overnight because conversations will be hard and detailed with complicated logistics to figure out. But he said minorities in his city feel targeted by police and that needs to change.

“There may be situations where police do need to intervene, and so we need to look at all that,” he said. “We need to look at if we do move traffic enforcement out of the Police Department, what does that relationship look like and how will police officers work in coordination with unarmed traffic enforcement personnel?”

Did you catch that? Under the premise that cops routinely target persons of color for traffic stops – the old, “driving while black” or “driving while Hispanic” excuse – the Marxists on the Berkeley City Council are willing to risk the lives of unarmed civilians to push a false agenda of ‘systemic racism.’

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So – does this mean that all ‘unarmed city workers’ tasked with traffic stops will be minorities? Will that change if/when whites become a minority in Berkeley?

Will these unarmed traffic ‘officers’ be equipped with any sort of self-defense at all? Will they be required to give chase to motorists who simply refuse to stop or take off instead of pulling over? 

Again, this is not a ‘reform,’ it’s an obvious asinine maneuver meant to denigrate public safety, not enhance it. Because there can be no ‘Marxist revolution’ without chaos.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.