On Wednesday, top Hillary Clinton advisor Philippe Reines made it very clear that the failed 2016 presidential candidate was strongly considering another run in 2020.

The interview with Reines was on Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s primetime show.

“So, I’m assuming what I just said and what we’re hearing is true, that if she thought she was the best position to beat Donald Trump, she would get in the race,” Carlson said.

“You know, she ran for president because she thought she would be the best president,” Reines replied. “If she still thought that now, if she thought she had the best odds of beating Donald Trump — I think she would think about it long and hard.”

“She’s not — she hasn’t foreclosed the possibility, I guess,” Carlson said.

Reines responded, “No, she has not.”

“That’s what I’m saying, too,” Carlson said. “So, really the question and that doesn’t surprise anybody who’s followed the Clintons, right?”

“No,” Reines responded.


There have been many signs in recent weeks that suggest Clinton will take another stab at a presidential run. On Tuesday, the New York Times posted an op-ed, stating that Clinton would probably step into the race if she thinks that the Democratic frontrunners would lose to the President.

“Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Bloomberg have both told people privately in recent weeks that if they thought they could win, they would consider entering the primary — but that they were skeptical there would be an opening, according to Democrats who have spoken with them,” The Times said.

“Democrats who have recently spoken with Mrs. Clinton say she shares the same concerns other party elites have about the field — worried about Mr. Biden’s durability, Ms. Warren’s liberal politics and unsure of who else can emerge to take on Mr. Trump,” the Times continued. “But these people, who spoke anonymously to discuss private conversations, say she enjoys the freedom that comes with not being on the ballot.”

The Washington Post seems to agree with the New York Times.

“Hillary Clinton, according to two people close to her, has not ruled out jumping in herself, a sign that she is hearing similar dissatisfaction,” The Post explained. “Views about Clinton vary widely, however, and in part mirror the ideological and generational schisms that have fed the current anxiety. More seasoned leaders who have seen Democrats lose big have tended to prefer a safer, middle-road candidate more palatable to a wide range of voters.”

Not everyone is convinced however. The Hill’s Amie Parnes says that the chances she jumps in to the race is still very small.

“It’s Bannon-created,” said Clinton’s communications adviser Philippe Reines. “What his ratio is between honest belief and troublemaking is hard to know. Obviously though he doesn’t have any sources.”

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“The Republican Party has made such a long-term investment in obsessing about Hillary Clinton that they literally can’t stop,” Clinton campaign surrogate Tracy Sefl said. “In some ways, she’s all they know. She’s the permanent Mad Libs subject matter of the GOP.”

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