During a time of pandemic and major economic upheaval, you’d think that the House of Representatives would have plenty to do other than continuing to harass President Donald Trump over decisions he is well within his authority to make.

Such as withholding funding from the World Health Organization.

You may recall that the president made the decision to cut the WHO off after it became clear the organization was shilling for the Chinese Communist government and passing along Beijing’s propaganda regarding the coronavirus outbreak that began there.

Now, rather than back our president’s decision to hold a miscreant international body responsible for its culpability, House Democrats are attacking our president with another pointless “investigation” into his decision.

As reported by IJR:

The House Foreign Affairs Committee wants information about President Donald Trump’s decision to suspend funding to the World Health Organization (WHO).

“President Trump’s decision to halt funding for the World Health Organization (WHO) during a global pandemic is counterproductive and puts lives at risk,” House Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) wrote in a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday.

“The Administration’s explanation for this decision is inadequate, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs is determined to understand the reasons behind this self-defeating withdrawal from global leadership,” Engel said.

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First of all, the WHO really isn’t ‘fighting’ the pandemic; individual countries are. And at a time when Congress is blasting through money as fast as the U.S. Treasury can print it, now sounds like a great time for the U.S. to curb its spending anyway and use the money for our own people.

In fact, former federal prosecutor and presidential authority expert Andrew McCarthy even suggested that in an April 15 column expressing his view on Trump’s WHO funding decision:

I’d wager that the surest way to cut off the WHO and make it stick is to shift the appropriated WHO funding to COVID-19 relief for the states. They are stressed by the outbreak and pleading for more federal dollars. For all the bellowing Democrats are doing today about the prospect of cutting off the WHO, they’d have a hard time protesting additional funding for their states and districts.

As for Engel, he went on to defend the WHO as an “imperfect agency” that has “made mistakes” during the outbreak. But, he argued, it is “only as functional as its member states empower it to be” and as such ought to be reformed and actually given more power instead of defunded.

Uh, no. The last thing Americans should want — and would want, if the situation was properly explained to them by our pathetic mainstream media — is giving more authority (and tax money) to an international agency that has shown an obvious penchant and preference for a potential enemy.

For his part, Pompeo — a first-in-his-class West Point grad, former U.S. congressman, and former CIA director — defended the president’s defunding decision.

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“Organizations have to work. They have to deliver the outcomes for which they were intended,” Pompeo said. “They have to execute on the mission that they are designed to achieve, and we’ve seen with respect to the World Health Organization … here we are. It hasn’t accomplished what it was intended to deliver.”

As the National Review noted, the WHO wasn’t always a den of inefficiency and corruption. The international health organization has actually helped “with the eradication of smallpox and the near eradication of other devastating illnesses, including leprosy and river blindness.”

But that was then. Today, the organization is a shill for the ChiComs — and our own Democrat Party would rather attack our president for punishing WHO malfeasance than support him when it’s patently clear that’s the right thing to do.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.