Not content with Biden’s disastrous foreign policy decisions so far and the pro-Palestinian unrest that took place in the US in May of 2021, House Democrats are planning on throwing gasoline on the fire by introducing a resolution that would condemn Israel and praise the terrorists that attack Israeli civilians. Here’s what PJ Media reported:

A contingent of House Democrats plans to introduce a resolution urging the Biden administration to condemn Israel while also supporting six Palestinian groups that are designated as terrorist organizations by Israel, the United States, and the European Union.

Rep. Betty McCollum (D., Minn.) plans to introduce the resolution, which, unsurprisingly, will be co-sponsored by “Squad” members Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.), Ayanna Pressley (D., Mass.), and Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), and several other House Democrats.

“Among the groups backed in the Democratic resolution are the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which is designated as a terrorist group by the United States and the European Union,” the Washington Free Beacon reports. “Also included is the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, which had funding cut from it in 2020 after the group’s leadership was arrested for murdering a 17-year-old Israeli.”

The resolution will praise the terrorist groups for the “value and importance” of their “courageous work,” which is apparently the newspeak term the Democrats are using for “slinging hundreds of rockets into areas inhabited by Israeli civilians.”

And what does it say about Israel, the sole functioning democracy in the Middle East and a longtime American ally? It condemns Israel for “repressive [acts] designed to criminalize and persecute important Palestinian human rights organizations.” It also, again according to PJ Media, “calls on Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to condemn Israel’s “authoritarian and anti-democratic act of repression” and support the six terrorism-tied organizations.

The Democrat reps attacking Israel and praising Palestine are: Ayanna Pressley (D., Mass.), Cori Bush (D., Mo.), Chuy García (D., Ill.), Marie Newman (D., Ill.), Raúl Grijalva (D., Ariz.), Andre Carson (D., Ind.)., Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), and Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.).

Also, as the Washington Free Beacon reports, “This isn’t the first time House Democrats like Tlaib have sided with terror-tied organizations. Tlaib has fundraised multiple times this year for Baitulmaal, which pays money to the families of Palestinian terrorists. The leader of Baitulmaal, Mazen Mokhtar, has been accused of raising money for the Taliban and Chechen Mujahideen.”

Despite backing this bill to condemn Israel and support the Palestinian terrorists, Rec. Ocasio-Cortez recently voted “present” rather than “no” on a bill providing funding for Israel’s famous Iron Dome. The Iron Dome is a missile and rocket defense system that shields its cities from the rockets launched by groups like the ones these Democrats support.

That Iron Dome funding bill, though eventually passed, sparked a major confrontation between a coalition of the GOP and moderate Dems and a radical caucus led by pro-Palestinian radicals like AOC and Ilhan Omar. Describing the passage of the spending package in the Patriot Post, Thomas Gallatin remarked that:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi downplayed the glaring anti-Semitism of the decision by suggesting that the House would address the question of funding the Iron Dome in future legislation. That legislation was proposed and then passed on Wednesday, thanks to Republican votes. Pelosi had it both ways — supporting Israel while saving the anti-Semitic caucus from having to support it.

For reference, the Iron Dome system that the House radicals apparently hate so much is nothing more than a defensive system. All it does is protect Israeli citizens from rocket attacks. Describing it in the National Review, Philip Kline noted thatStripping funding for Iron Dome only makes sense if the goal is to help Hamas become more efficient at killing civilians. And progressives were so adamant about depriving Israel of this funding to protect its population that they were willing to shut down the government if the provision was not removed.

So, this new resolution is nothing new. The radical leftists are just following their usual script and attacking Israel for defending itself while making excuses for the Palestinian terrorists launching rockets across the border.

By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Parler and Gettr.



