The House of Representatives has officially approved a massive billion-dollar spending plan Thursday, despite the fact a number of Republicans raised serious concerns about inflation and the current vaccine mandate for the country’s military.

To give a little perspective on this, imagine that rather than dumping water on a forest fire to try and put it out, it drops gasoline instead. That’s what passing this spending plan is like with inflation so egregiously high at the moment.

You see, we don’t technically have the money available for this bill. We’ll use the Fed to print money, which will only increase inflation, which will in turn raise the cost of living. This is what happened during the pandemic last year with all of those “stimmy checks” everyone loved so much.

We’re paying the price for those now.

According to a report from The Daily Wire, “The National Defense Authorization Act passed the House by a vote of 329-101, authorizing $839 billion in spending. Over $800 billion was allocated for the Pentagon, more than $30 billion for the Department of Energy, and some $400 million to other federal agencies. The spending plan has not yet been approved by the Senate but is expected to pass.”

Rep. Mike Rogers, a Republican from Alabama and the top GOP member of the House Armed Services Committee, was rather pleased with the passage of the bill, going on to say, “However, our work is not done — we will continue to improve upon this bill in conference to ensure that this legislation gives our warfighters what they need.”

Rogers then referred to the legislation as the “definition of a bipartisan bill.”

It’s understandable that so many Republicans liked the bill. National defense is a critical component of our infrastructure and should absolutely be a top priority. However, our economy is crumbling rapidly due to inflation and now might not be the best time for more spending, regardless of what it is for.

Though if you are going to fund a government program, the military is certainly the right one to choose.

“There were more than 600 amendments voted on for the bill. Key provisions in the bill include another $1 billion for [redacted], almost a billion for four EC-37B Compass Call electronic warfare aircraft for the Space Force, more high-tech Navy ships, more stipulations for jet sales to Turkey, a pay bump for soldiers due to inflation, and other measures,” the Daily Wire reported.

The bill contained more funding than what President Joe Biden actually called for.

Sixty-two Republicans and 39 Democrats voted against the package, with some Republicans raising concerns about a lack of oversight for the spending, the military’s continued vaccine mandate, and the ramifications of the spending on skyrocketing inflation,” the report said.

North Carolina Republican Rep. Dan Bishop called the bill “reckless” and referred to it as “woke.”

“Business as usual in Washington is not good enough – Congress cannot continue to rubber-stamp massive spending binges with nearly zero accountability. This bill does nothing to end Biden’s vaccine mandate, which is an intentional purge of thousands of our best and bravest troops,” he went on to say concerning the plan.

Bishop then stated that Congress should be directing funds toward fixing the crisis at the southern border and increasing the money and resources available for ICE instead of what he called, “foreign misadventures.”

“As inflation continues to rage, shoveling money into the furnace of America Last foreign entanglements will only make our military weaker and our country more vulnerable,” he stated.

Republican Texas Congressman Chip Roy concurred with Bishop, going on to point out the vaccine mandate and green energy provisions.

“I refuse to vote for a defense authorization bill that fires healthy, qualified service members because they won’t get a politicized injection,” he commented.

“I refuse to vote to authorize $850 billion — $82 billion more than last year’s NDAA when our country is $30 trillion in debt — for the Pentagon to brainwash our troops with anti-American ideology and pursue fantasy ‘green’ energy programs,” the Texas congressman continued.

