Back when George W. Bush was on the campaign trail for a second term in the White House in 2003, he went on to heap praise on Congress for approving a Medicare prescription drug benefit overhaul that he was 100 percent behind. The Democratic Party had been shaking their fists at the overhaul, trying to say that the GOP wanted to try and kill the publicly funded health care program for senior citizens. However, Bush was very clear when he called out his political opponents over this false charge.

“They used to call Medicare ‘Mediscare’ for people in the political process,” Bush stated during a visit to a hospital in the nation’s capital. “Some said Medicare reform can never be done. We’re acting. We acted on principle in Washington, D.C.”

And that wasn’t the first time this false claim was made. The exact same thing happened back when Bush was running against former Vice President Al Gore in 2000.

Bush said, “The man’s running on Mediscare — trying to frighten people to the voting booth.”

So it seems accusing Republicans of wanting to kill Medicare is a tactic that has been employed by radical leftists for quite some time. Scare the crap out of the voters by making claims that those on the other side of the political spectrum want to get rid of the programs and things that group of voters likes.

According to the Daily Wire:

Now, with just weeks to go before the midterm elections and pollsters saying it could be a bloodbath for Democrats, President Joe Biden is trying the strategy, as noted by The New York Times.

“President Biden warned on Tuesday that Republicans posed a threat to Social Security and Medicare, amplifying an effort by Democrats to make the fate of America’s social safety net programs a central campaign issue ahead of November’s midterm elections,” the Gray Lady said.

While offering few details, Biden said Republicans would cut back on entitlement programs if they take over Congress.

“What do you think they’re going to do?” Biden said in a speech from the White House Rose Garden. He held up a copy of a plan put forward by Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), which he said would move to “sunset” Social Security and Medicare, phasing them out of existence.

“Folks, you know, the senator in charge of reelecting the United States senators — Senator Scott — has proposed the plan where Social Security, Medicare every five years on the chopping block. It means every five years, you either cut it, it reduces, or completely eliminate it — Social Security and Medicare,” the president remarked.

As inflation rates continue to blow up and the prices for gas, food, and other important items needed to live our daily lives hitting the stratosphere, and soaring crime rates, Democrats are very, very desperate to try and change the focus of the American people, to distract them, by painting up conservative Republicans as evil.

And, true to their modus operandi, the party has handed out their favorite talking points to its minions all over the U.S. The proof? Well, Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of Washington, who is in a tight race for her seat, said just this week, “Republicans plan to end Social Security and Medicare if they take back the Senate.”

And there it is, guys. The scare tactics are now in full swing.

The Washington Post, a very liberal, left leaning publication, completed a fact-check of Murray’s claim against Republicans, handing it “four Pinocchios,” which is its highest rating for lies. In other words, this claim is 100 percent bogus. And if WaPo is willing to admit that, hey, it’s likely true.They would never willingly aid conservatives like this, so it’s a rare moment of objective journalism.

“The paper noted that in 2011, then-Vice President Biden claimed House Republicans supported a plan for ‘eliminating Medicare in the next 10 years.’ And in the 2020 presidential race, Biden said President Donald Trump had a ‘plan’ to strip Social Security benefits and make the program disappear in three years,” the Daily Wire said.

“Now comes the latest iteration of this campaign attack. But it’s just as empty as the previous ones,” the Post stated.

“During an interview with Fox News on March 27, Scott was asked whether his plan could ‘potentially sunset programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.’ He dismissed that as ‘Democratic talking points’ and said his proposal was intended to focus attention on how to deal with potential funding shortfalls in the future,” fact-checker Glenn Kessler went on to write.

“No one that I know of wants to sunset Medicare or Social Security, but what we’re doing is we don’t even talk about it. Medicare goes bankrupt in four years. Social Security goes bankrupt in 12 years,” Scott remarked. “I think we ought to figure out how we preserve those programs. Every program that we care about, we ought to stop and take the time to preserve those programs.”

When it came to chatting about Murray’s claim, the Post said, “This is yet another example in which Democrats strain to conjure up a nonexistent GOP plan regarding Social Security and Medicare.”

