One of the biggest assets that President Trump brought with him to the White House was his experience and acumen as a successful businessman.

Why? Because you don’t reach his level of business success without knowing how to get things done; he sets goals and objectives, and then figures out the shortest, least expensive, most efficient way to best accomplish them.

We’ve seen this time and again throughout his first term; the promises he made during the 2016 campaign that were in his power to keep have been kept. That includes lowering taxes, building a border wall, reducing corporate taxes, lowering regulations, expanding and rebuilding the U.S. military, bringing back industries, making better trade deals, and unleashing our energy production capability.

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Now, the president wants to keep another promise: Making healthcare in America less expensive, more accessible, and a lot more efficient.

How’s he going to do that? The same way he accomplishes everything else: He is consulting the people who know what does and, importantly, what doesn’t work – in this case, doctors.

Atlanta ear, nose, and throat specialist Mike Koriwchak, M.D., writing at TownHall, notes that currently, the American medical system is a confusing concoction of rules, regulations, and government-imposed roadblocks that make navigating for care difficult and unruly, not to mention expensive. 

He notes that the administration — the president — has already been taking his and other physicians’ advice on clearing out obstacles to care and making it cheaper, such as the adoption of a rule set to take place Jan. 1 mandating price transparency.

He writes:

Recent Harris Poll research revealed that two-thirds of consumers describe every step of acquiring health care as difficult. Half of respondents even avoid care because of this complicated bureaucracy, likely making their ailments worse and costlier in the long term.

Doctors have been sounding the alarm on this problem for years. Thankfully, the White House is listening to physicians who are actually practicing—and we practitioners are saying patients need more price transparency, less reliance on insurance, and less government interference.

This would result in lower cost, increased access, and higher quality. You can have only two of these in government-controlled health care. In a free market, you can have all three.

“Paying for health care should be clear and simple. Patients should have access to health care pricing up front and be able to choose from multiple options. Unfortunately, health care consumers often have no idea how much services will cost them. They don’t know the cost before they walk in the door, and they may not find out until months later when the bill comes,” he adds.

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“The White House has been an ally in this fight for transparency. The Department of Health and Human Services has unveiled a rule that would require hospitals and insurance companies to be up front with consumers about the true prices for shoppable services,” Koriwchak notes further.

This is what will ‘fix’ healthcare – the free market, led by a president who has utilized this pillar of capitalism to become fabulously successful, not the massive one-size-fits-all inflexible grip of the federal government. 

We tried it that way – Obamacare – and it’s been a disaster. It’s time to try the president’s approach now, instead of continuing to double- and triple-down on failure.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.