If you’ve ever really wondered just how pervasive ‘the swamp’ is in Washington, D.C. – and, thus, why it’s been so difficult for President Donald Trump to ‘drain’ it – the fact that the vast majority of federal workers are Democrats should make it clearer to you.

Indeed, as we’ve long known, D.C. and the surrounding areas, which are among the wealthiest ZIP Codes in the country by the way, are deep blue Democrat strongholds. But that shouldn’t matter when it comes to ‘faithfully executing’ their jobs – federal jobs, which are funded with tax dollars paid by Americans of all political stripes.

What’s more, these federal workers are employed by federal agencies, all of which fall under the purview of the Executive Branch – which is, of course, headed by the president, Donald J. Trump.

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So, when the head of a large federal workers union comes out in support of the current president’s fall opponent, that represents a big problem that scores of Americans would even say amounts to a major conflict of interest.

The head of the American Federation of Government Employees, the largest federal workers union, on Wednesday came out in support of the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket.

“Sen. Harris is the right choice for this moment in our nation’s history,” said AFGE President Everett Kelley.

Below is Kelley’s full endorsement statement:

“In picking Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate, Vice President Biden has ensured that the 2020 Democratic ticket will make history and deliver on the central promises of this campaign.

“Sen. Harris has been a proven fighter for working people throughout her career. As a district attorney, she prosecuted companies that endangered workers and stole their wages. As California’s attorney general, she fought for public employee unions, and as a United States senator, she has taken a strong stance against the disastrous Janus decision. She has a strong voting record on the issues that matter to federal and D.C. government employees and to workers across the nation, with past 100% ratings from both AFGE and the AFL-CIO.

“Sen. Harris is the right choice for this moment in our nation’s history. She is a fighter, and AFGE is a fighting union. In the Senate, Harris fought alongside AFGE members to end the longest government shutdown in U.S. history and has stood with us against the Trump administration’s assault on federal workers’ collective bargaining rights. AFGE members across this country are excited to stand together, fight back, and elect President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the nation this November.”

Now look, Americans can vote for whomever they want, obviously. But frankly, federal unions should not be making any public endorsements because government workers work for all Americans, regardless of who’s president.

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Furthermore, many federal workers are expected to carry out the policies of the current administration, regardless if it is Democratic or Republican. Coming in in public opposition to the present occupant of the Oval Office not only seems politically awkward but almost insubordinate, because Kelley’s endorsement suggests that union members would more fully appreciate and work to support Biden and Harris than they are working and supporting Trump.

Americans deserve a non-partisan federal workforce.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.