On Tuesday, Republican Representative Elise Stefanik demanded that far-left Rep. Adam Schiff testify under oath about his relations to the anti-Trump whistleblower who is responsible for the beginning of the impeachment inquiry.

“The whistleblower should answer questions under oath. But more importantly, Adam Schiff needs to answer questions under oath,” Stefanik said during an interview with “Fox & Friends.” “I was the first member of Congress to ask when did Adam Schiff have access to the whistleblower.”

“We know now that that was before the whistleblower submitted his complaint to the inspector general,” she added. “So there are a lot of serious questions about the coordination between the whistleblower and Chairman Schiff.”


Last week, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic controlled House of Representatives voted on Thursday morning in favor of formally beginning the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump by a vote of 232-196.

While no Republicans voted in favor of the impeachment inquiry, two Democrats actually broke from their party and voted against the bogus inquiry. Those two Democrats were U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew of South Jersey and Rep. Collin Peterson of Minnesota.

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The process regarding the impeachment inquiry has been questionable considering Schiff has been holding secret underground impeachment hearings. Another bombshell regarding Schiff came last month when it was found that he had been in contact with the whistleblower before the complaint was even made. Schiff has lied publically about these contacts.

“It’s interesting,” Stefanik said. “Adam Schiff at first wanted the whistleblower to testify, but as it became clear that there was coordination between the whistleblower and Adam Schiff and the Democratic staff members, now Adam Schiff is backtracking that, which is why our first witness will be Adam Schiff.”

“This is a partisan resolution that was brought to the floor last week, passed with only Democratic support,” Stefanik continued. “It limited our ability to subpoena witnesses, unless Adam Schiff signed off on it. It also allowed Adam Schiff to retract portions of testimony as they are released.”

“This has been a partisan process from the start. Adam Schiff has conducted himself as counsel to the witnesses, as judge and jury and the American people deserve transparency,” she added. “These should have been open, bipartisan hearings from the start. Again, throughout this process, we have seen partisan cherry picking leaking coming from the Democratic side and it’s unfair to the American people.”

“Impeachment is more than a political buzz word,” Stefanik stated. “This is serious constitutional process and the American people deserve access to 100 percent. They should be open hearings and the media deserves access.”

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