Streaming service Hulu, which is owned by Disney, proved they, like the rest of the pieces of the corporation, have no spine when it comes to Democrats throwing hissy fits about things they don’t like being featured on its platforms. This time the issue is the company’s ban on controversial political ads.

According to the Daily Wire, earlier this week, Democrats got on social media, and even some mainstream media outlets, to start shouting on and on about boycotts and issuing complaints to Hulu for them daring to block ads from Democrats on controversial issues like abortions, guns, and many others.

Disney then confirmed on Wednesday to media outlet Axios they have decided to change course and allow these kinds of political ads on the platform right away.

After a thorough review of ad policies across its linear networks and streaming platforms over the last few months, Disney is now aligning Hulu’s political advertising policies to be consistent with the Company’s general entertainment and sports cable networks and ESPN+,” Disney went on to say in a statement, according to Axios.

“Hulu will now accept candidate and issue advertisements covering a wide spectrum of policy positions but reserves the right to request edits or alternative creative, in alignment with industry standards,” the statement added.

Okay, so the question now is whether or not they will extend this sort of courtesy to those on the conservative side of these issues and allow the Republican Party to show controversial political ads?

Something tells me there will be a big stink raised if there is an anti-abortion ad featured on Hulu content. Lots of liberal viewers will no doubt complain and before you know it, digital duct tape will be slapped across the mouths of anyone who dares to go against the accepted narrative of the Democratic Party in an ad.

“Disney has become increasingly political. Earlier this year, the company sided against a GOP-backed parental rights bill in Florida. In response, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis stripped the company of its special privileges in the state,” the Daily Wire report said.

“The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and Democratic Governors Association ripped the streaming service for rejecting ads on Hulu,” the report continued.

“Hulu’s censorship of the truth is outrageous, offensive, and another step down a dangerous path for our country,” the executive directors of the three committees said during comments made to The Washington Post. “Voters have the right to know the facts about MAGA Republicans’ agenda on issues like abortion — and Hulu is doing a huge disservice to the American people by blocking voters from learning the truth about the GOP record or denying these issues from even being discussed.”

As you can probably already guess, liberals were going full warp drive over this.

“BREAKING: Hulu is REJECTING our ads calling out GOP attacks on abortion access and gun safety. Their shady policies amount to outrageous political censorship. Americans deserve to know the truth about these issues, and Hulu has no right to block it,” Senate Democrats complained Monday.

“As long as Hulu is blocking political ads on January 6, gun safety, and reproductive rights, I will be blocking Hulu. Unsubscribe and delete,” lawyer Tristan Snell published in a tweet. “By the way, Hulu — do you really think shows like A Handmaid’s Tale will be allowed to air if the radical right gains control of America? You’re picking a side — and it’s not the side that’s in your own interest as a business.”

Again, what we want to know is whether or not Hulu will allow conservatives the same opportunity, or if folks complain about Republican ads, those will be removed through another edit of the policy?
