In every Left-wing movement a little (lot) of hypocrisy must fall, and so it is with the lunatic Democrat-led drive to “defund the police” in the wake of George Floyd’s horrific death.

As reported by The Daily Wire:

Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez, a Democrat, pushed to make drastic cuts to the Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) funding amid a nationwide campaign by the far-left to defund police departments — a move she made while having an LAPD unit stationed outside her private home since April.

Spectrum News 1 journalist Natalie Brunell reported that the unit, which guards Martinez’s home, usually includes two police officers and has been in place for the last two months.

“The private security detail infuriated some members of the force when Martinez became one of the council members to spearhead a motion to cut $150 million in funding to the LAPD’s budget,” Brunell reported Monday. 

“Multiple LAPD sources confirmed the units were directed to provide 24/7 security beginning April 4 at Martinez’s home, almost always staffed by two officers. As of May 6, we’re told the detail decreased to 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. with roving patrol checks overnight.”

Noted LAPD Det. Jamie McBride, who serves as the head of the department’s union, the Los Angeles Police Protective League, in an interview with Brunell, “It’s kind of ironic. Here she is demanding $150 million be reallocated from the police budget, but yet she has security at her house by the Los Angeles Police Department.”

‘Kind of ironic?’ You think?

More irony. Neighbors of Martinez confirmed that officers had indeed been on detail in front of her home for the past couple of months and that they actually felt safer because of the details – but they didn’t want to actually say that on camera, meaning they are fearful for their own well-being just for saying, in essence, ‘Hey, we need police!’

As for McBride, he reminded everyone that while units were tied up protecting the life and property of someone who wants to cut their budget, that meant one less unit and a few less offers on the streets protecting others.

“It’s disgusting,” McBride said. “For two officers in front of a residence since April, you’re probably over $100,000 of the people’s money.”

A spokesman for the councilwoman claimed that she needed the detail because her life had been threatened. But McBride wasn’t buying into that. He said if the threat were real there would still be units stationed outside her home.

If there is any good news here, it’s that the vast majority of Americans are not supportive of defunding or eliminating their police forces, as noted by the Cato Institute:

It’s also useful to keep in mind that few Americans of any racial group support some of the more radical changes demanded by some activists. For instance, few people support calls to abolish or defund the police: 9 in 10 black, white and Hispanic Americans oppose reducing the number of police officers in their community—and a third say their community needs more officers the Cato survey found. And a Yahoo/​Yougov survey found that only 16% of Americans favor cutting funding for police departments, including 12% of whites, 33% of blacks, and 17% of Hispanics.

Galling doesn’t begin to describe Martinez’s behavior.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.