Not content with letting her husband be the spouse that makes the ridiculous, ridicule-worthy statements, “Dr.” Jill Biden decided to jump in with one of her own while attending a ritzy, Los Angeles-area fundraiser for the Democratic Party’s “Democratic Grassroots Victory Fund”.

Tickets at the ritzy fundraiser cost between $1,000 and $36,500, a whopping amount at a time when many Americans are struggling financially thanks to the Bidenflation that has wracked the nation for much of “Dr.” Jill’s husband’s time in office, seriously hurting the checkbook of the working man while the Hollywood elites shell out thousands for a Democrat fundraising party.

In any case, speaking during the fundraiser about how terrific her senile husband is, Jill Biden preposterously claimed that people come up to her and tell her that they feel like they can breathe now that the bad orange man is gone and Biden is running things, saying:

If you think of what went on January 6, and if we were living with that kind of president today — it’s like you can’t even let your head go there. And then once we were elected, people came up to me all the time, everywhere I went, and said, ‘Jill, I feel like I can breathe.’”

They must be breathing better now that they’ve been freed from the weight of a heavy wallet, having had their pockets emptied by the continuing Bidenflation crisis, which just got worse than ever last month.

That or she was talking to America’s enemies, many of whom have been empowered by the senile president’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, insane willingness to negotiate with the destruction-minded mullahs of Iran, and weakness in dealing with the Red Chinese.

Biden also was set to attend the fundraiser, according to Breitbart, though surprisingly it has so far been Jill’s remarks that raised eyebrows rather than his, an anomaly given his generally melted mind and gaffe-prone speaking style.

Biden did, however, make one remark that threw off many, surprisingly attacking President Zelensky, saying:

I know a lot of people thought I was exaggerating. But I knew we had data to sustain. He was gonna go into the border. And there was no doubt and Zelensky didn’t want to hear it nor did a lot of people.”

Meanwhile, as the Bidens flattered themselves at the ritzy Hollywood fundraiser, Americans are dealing with the disasters created by Biden’s presidency, or at least that have happened under it.

Gas, for example, hit a record high of $5.00 a gallon, with the cost of fuel being significantly higher in states like California that have more burdensome taxes or, because of geography, incur more costs in importing fuel.

The host of the fundraising event, Andrew Hauptman, gave a similarly delusional take on current events when introducing Biden, saying:

“If there was ever a time that our country needed assurances about leadership with integrity, it’s now so Mr. President, it’s perfect to have you and Dr. Biden with us.

“It’s my sense that every guest here joins Ellen and me and thank you both for your care and commitment, and your service and leadership and for your high standards of decency, you bring to everything that you do to advance our country forward.”

By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe to My Email List
