As the country holds their breath in hopes that President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump make a speedy recovery from the Coronavirus, liberals are gleefully celebrating.

In fact, VERIFIED Twitter accounts are the ones making the most vile statements. Somehow, death wishes for the President of the United States does not violate Twitter’s “community guidelines”.

If you thought the left was sick, just wait until you see these tweets:

WaPo’s Jennifer Rubin wasted no time, saying she wants Trump to RESIGN…because he got sick?

The Washington Post has actually been fantasizing about this for a while now:

An Obama/Hillary loyalist says she hopes Trump dies. She tried deleting the tweet, but thankfully screenshots live forever:

Another “verified” liberal suggests that Trump and his staffer Hope Hicks are having an affair:

One user gleefully celebrated this “October surprise”:

Here’s more from top liberals:

This is what we’re voting against in November.


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump