This week, the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice withdrew its support for a lawsuit brought by three high school female athletes that want to block biological males from competing in female sports in Connecticut. Bill Barr, the former Attorney General, had backed the lawsuit, saying that the Connecticut law permitting such participation violated Title IX protections.

Alanna Smith, one of the girls that brought the lawsuit, appeared on Fox News on Wednesday night along with her attorney to discuss the matter. During her appearance on Fox, Smith said that “fairness needs to be restored in our sport and all other women’s sports… these biological males are just taking it away from us.”

“I got involved after I ran against the biological males at the New England meet because in the 200 meter, I took third place when I should have gotten runner-up,” Smith said on Wednesday night.

And it’s not really about placement but it’s all about knowing that I work so many hours a week to be able to get runner-up in New England’s [championships] as a freshman. And I am really disappointed in the news, because me and the other girls, Selina and Chelsea, have worked really hard to get our stories out there, to get people to realize that fairness needs to be restored in our sport and all other women’s sports,” she added.

Watch below:

Ms. Smith went on to tell the Fox News host that “people should realize that a lot of biological females have missed out on making it to meets that really matter, like states and regionals, and the transgender athletes have taken the spots on the podium that belong to biological females.”

Holcomb, the athlete’s attorney, added that “Title IX was designed to ensure that girls like Alanna have a fair and level playing field, have a chance to showcase their talents, to be champions, and frankly, to earn those college scholarships. So, we want to move forward, and we want to see women’s sports protected across the country.”

Simultaneously, Democrats are attempting to pass a “revolutionary” pro-transgender bill. The bill would use the law to deny any recognition of the two sexes’ complimentary differences. Therefore, it would force women to treat men as if they were women, end single-sex private spaces, and it would allow men to participate in women’s sports, regardless of the male’s athletic advantages. This would essentially end women’s sports as we know it.

This week, House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy criticized the Democrats’ bill. McCarthy pointe to the impact on sports and religious freedom.

The reporter asked about the “Equality Act,” saying that Democrats want it passed and that “Senate Republicans say this is not only an attack against women’s sports, but also an attack on Churches, opening them up for possible lawsuits.”

McCarthy responded saying that was “very clear,” adding “I mean if you look at Biden’s appointments to cabinet members – suing nuns and others – this really seems like an onslaught against freedom of religion. Girls sports as well as others.”

On February 23rd, The Wall Street Journal posted an article criticizing the “Equality Act,” noting that the Act makes women unequal, and that it will have dire consequences:

“The Equality Act would go much further by making it illegal to distinguish “identity” from biology and thereby prioritize transgender people over women. By erasing sex as a distinct legal category, the measure threatens to open up female-only spaces and opportunities designed to increase representation for girls to biological men, which can endanger the safety of women and girls.

The Equality Act would threaten the existence of women’s prisons, public-school girls’ locker rooms, and women’s and girls’ sports teams. It would limit freedom of speech, freedom of association, accurate data collection, and scientific inquiry. It would threaten the rights of physicians who doubt the wisdom of performing life-changing, reproduction-limiting procedures, and parents who seek to protect their minor children from such treatment.”

Nearly all progressives back the bill because it allows government officials to regulate the biological and cultural foundations of human sexuality. Many feminists also back it because other portions of the bill would create a legislative act for abortion.

The bill is opposed by a broad front of conservative, libertarian and feminist groups, including the Women’s Liberation Front. The vast majority of the public — including liberal women — opposes the civic changes required by the bill.

It should be very clear to most of us at this point that most Democratic lawmakers are simply seeking more control over the population instead of ensuring the well-being of the citizens. The State supposedly exists to promote and protect the happiness of its citizens. Unless they are helping to increase and protect the well-being of its citizens, it is not doing its job.

As yourselves this, is the our government promoting well-being and happiness or is it doing the opposite?


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.