If Democrats are good at anything it’s revisionist history.

When they aren’t tearing down monuments and statues in a bid to memory-hole our history and our culture, they’re fabricating narratives and spinning yarns with the hope that we’ll forget what a disaster many of their policies are.

Like New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

The Democratic National Convention gave him a prime-time speaking slot as the party opened its ‘virtual convention’ Monday – virtual because fear-mongering over the coronavirus pandemic remains the order of the day and will be until November if Joe Biden wins or beyond if President Trump does.

“New Yorkers were ground zero for the COVID virus, and have gone from one of the highest infection rates on the globe to one of the lowest,” Cuomo said. “We climbed the impossible mountain, and right now, we are on the other side.”

Let’s recount what really happened.

First and foremost, lower New York became a coronavirus hot spot. Not many parts of the country can claim that honor, including other international destinations like Chicago, Miami, Dallas, and Los Angeles.

Secondly, let’s never forget that this bozo authorized his administration to put COVID-19 patients in nursing homes, despite the fact that every immunology expert knew early on that older Americans and people with pre-existing health conditions were much more susceptible to contracting the virus and then dying from it. How many eldercare patients in New York died because of the virus is anyone’s guess, but a safe bet is ‘more than a few.’

More revisionism: Cuomo then changed the origin of the virus, saying that as the “European virus infected the Northeast…the White House was still fixated on China.”

Yes, because that’s where it came from, lame-brain.

“The virus had been attacking us for months before they even knew it was here,” Cuomo continued, essentially blaming the pandemic on the Trump administration. “We saw the failure of a government that tried to deny the virus, then tried to ignore it, and then tried to politicize it.”

Actually, the Chinese covered up the existence of the virus, and the World Health Organization helped

In fact, the disastrous decisions made by Cuomo and his bud in New York City, Mayor Bill De Blasio, to include perpetual lockdowns and shuttering of ‘non-essential’ businesses have put New York City on the path to ruin, according to a former lifelong resident of the Big Apple.

Writes comedy club owner and entrepreneur James Altucher from South Florida, where he escaped in June

I love NYC. When I first moved to NYC, it was a dream come true. Every corner was like a theater production happening right in front of me. So much personality, so many stories. 

Every subculture I loved was in NYC. I could play chess all day and night. I could go to comedy clubs. I could start any type of business. I could meet people. I had family, friends, opportunities. No matter what happened to me, NYC was a net I could fall back on and bounce back up. 

Now it’s completely dead.

Hundreds of thousands of other New Yorkers have also fled the city, which — by the way — erupted in rioting and looting in early June following the George Floyd incident. 

And they’re not coming back. Too much crime, too much lockdown, too much stupidity. 

Is all of this Cuomo’s fault? 

Well, it sure isn’t anyone else’s.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.