As the debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) continued Wednesday, a sizeable portion of Hollywood A-, B-, and C-listers lost their minds.

The ‘F-bombs’ flew. Teeth were gnashed. Heads exploded. Any remaining semblance of rational thought dissipated.

“Just going over it all in my head. The way Mike Pence constantly interrupted and spoke over @KamalaHarris was the prime example of white male supremacy and its common dismissal and disrespect for black woman,” actor Mark Ruffalo tweeted.

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Did you catch that? If you’re a white, hetero guy, you’re not allowed to debate or argue with the frail black female VP candidate — because racism or something.

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During the debate, Kamala Harris made a show of insisting that the vice president was being rude, regularly exclaiming “I’m speaking!” and “I will not be lectured.”

The mainstream media quickly picked up on her signals, coming together in unison to accuse the vice president of “mansplaining.” ABC News hosts George Stephanapoulos and Martha Raddatz both used the term in their post-debate coverage, as did NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell.

CNN’s Van Jones called Pence the “mansplainer in chief.” Political commentator S.E. Cupp also accused the vice president of “mansplaining, interrupting, condescending and general smarminess.”

The VP, a former governor of Indiana, U.S. lawmaker, and one-time talk radio host, knows how to debate, and frankly, that seems to be his critics’ biggest problem: He was too good.

But overall, consider the 30,000-foot view of what these left-wing maniacs are saying: Harris, who boasted of her tough record as a California prosecutor, must be coddled and cannot be debated or argued with, lest some lout be accused of hating on her skin color.

Consider that for a moment: How will that work out if (sorry, when) Harris succeeds Biden should he win next month and she has to sit down with ‘mainsplainers’ like Russian President Vladimir Putin or Chinese President Xi Jinping?

How about any male leader from the Middle East, a part of the world where governments don’t really hold women in the same regard as we do in America – how’s coddling poor, defenseless little woman of color Kamala going to work out?

For her part, Radditz did actually ‘get it.’ 

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“When I hear people say — talk about mansplaining and talk about these things with Kamala Harris and a man shouldn’t interrupt her and it’s going to look bad, Kamala Harris is a vice presidential candidate, she should be able to stand up for herself,” she said. 

“Yes, it’s history-making. Yes, you can talk about her history and who she is and she’s a woman of color there, but a man can interrupt another vice presidential candidate. It is up to that candidate to talk back, to interrupt themselves, or to hold onto that debate in any way they could.”

If Kamala Harris can’t be subjected to a mild debate with Mike Pence, she’s clearly not ready for prime time yet as leader of the free world.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.