Just as many have predicted, as Democrat Joe Biden begins to put his ruling regime together, it’s not nearly good enough for the far-left of the party, setting the stage for internal battles and power struggles we hope will be debilitating for the party moving forward.

Breitbart News notes:

Shortly after the November election, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a one-time rival of Joe Biden in the bid for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, urged Biden not to forget about so-called progressives when choosing his potential White House team. During an interview with CNN that aired Sunday, network anchor Ana Cabrera asked Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), an ideological ally of Sanders if she thought Sanders was correct in saying he did not think the progressive movement has a big enough seat at the table with the Biden team.

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“I do,” Omar replied. 

“And this is, you know, what we have been saying and asking for. We worked diligently in trying to make sure that the people understood that it was important for us to get rid of Trump, but to have someone who was going to be a partner with us in governing for progress in our country, and we continue to be hopeful in having that partnership as we have governed on behalf of our country.”

She added that she isn’t necessarily unhappy thus far with Biden’s picks.

“You know, holistically, I am not,” she continued, “I think that they have been quite diligent in putting together a really well-thought-out transition team, and we continue to see what comes out of the next couple of weeks as they solidify that list, and we will continue to push and make sure that our asks are clear and concise.”

Hint: The ‘progressive’ left’s “asks” have already been “clear and concise” — and they’ve been soundly rejected by the rational wing of the Democrat Party, or rather what’s left of it.

Because they know most Americans don’t want crushing new taxes to support what would be even crappier ‘universal health care’ along with Green New Deal mandates that would destroy the energy industry and lead to dramatic spikes in gasoline, fuel, and electricity prices.

Nevertheless, this grace period comity isn’t going to last forever. The more ‘moderate’ Biden remains, the louder the lunatics on Omar’s side of the aisle are going to get.

In fact, Omar’s subdued tone is likely calculated, as Politico notes, for purely political purposes; Democrats can be seen warring amongst themselves when there are two Senate seats in Georgia to steal:

Progressives vowed to take on Joe Biden the minute he defeated President Donald Trump.

But the unresolved Senate races in Georgia are helping to keep the peace between the party’s warring factions for a few more weeks — and then it’s open season.

The logic behind the current cease-fire is simple: If Democrats don’t take back control of the Senate, much of the progressive agenda is doomed.

That’s why the left has thrown its weight behind Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, the Democratic candidates in Georgia who do not back “Medicare for All” — a major liberal priority.

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It should offend everyone regardless of which party they vote for that Democrats cannot ever really say who they are and what they believe because they would never win a majority again.

Which tells you everything about who is the real majority in America today – and it’s not the party of vote fraud.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.