Like her ‘squad’ mates Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib, freshman Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar has proven to be a lightning rod of controversy in less than one two-year term in office.

And while her Marxist America hate may play well to fellow Leftists around the country, not everyone in her Minnesota district is enamored with it – or her.

Which explains why she has a credible GOP challenger this fall.

As cities including Minneapolis burned thanks to rioters who used the unfortunate death of George Floyd as justification for looting and violence, Omar was stepping up to do what she always does: Condemn the country that took her and her Somalian family members in when no one else around the world would.

In leaping onto the train of false narratives surrounding the Floyd death – ‘all cops are racist’; there is ‘systemic racism’ in America; ‘let’s disband the police’ – Omar energized her Republican opponent, Lacy Johnson, who took to Twitter Sunday to denounce her support for lawlessness with no police as an embarrassment.

“We are witnessing a profound mistake being made by the Minneapolis City Council. They have a veto-proof majority that has vowed to disband the police department. They have just told the citizens of CD5 they lack the leadership and skills to solve tough problems,” Johnson wrote.

“By simply throwing out our current policing system, that tells me they lack care and concern for our public safety system. We are a nation of laws and the laws must be equally enforced. There are common sense measures and steps that can be taken to address concerns,” Johnson, who has been endorsed by President Donald Trump, continued.

“By disbanding the police, it will lead to unacceptable results in high crime areas placing the citizens of CD5 and tourists at risk. These reckless actions will make our community far less safe and will lead to a significant decline in our economy,” he wrote.

“Companies and tourist alike will not want to invest in or visit our community. Criminals will take advantage of a weak policing infrastructure and will overtake our community. Big government has rarely proven to be expedient at implementing anything at this scale,” he added.

“Years will go by with a terrible implementation of the proposed new public safety system and citizens will suffer the consequences of government failure. @IlhanMN should be embarrassed that she is supporting such a rash and monumental decision,” wrote Johnson. “The decision you make today will affect a generation of all citizens to come.

Here’s Omar calling for the ‘dismantling’ of the Minneapolis Police Department – without so much as one word about what will happen if the department really does go away without putting in place any mechanism for enforcing the law.

Beyond irresponsible. Beyond stupidity. But this is the kind of thing a Left-wing Marxist revolutionary who doesn’t think ‘the mob’ will come after them eventually would say.

It’s too bad we don’t have an honest ‘mainstream media’ in America. Because if we did, someone would ask Omar how not having any law and order worked out for her people in Somalia, a failed state governed by brutality and destruction.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.