Far too many American parents believe their children are not being fed a steady diet of Left-wing, America-hating propaganda on a daily basis when they’re in school, but the facts say otherwise.

And now that many schools are preparing to reopen following the COVID-19 pandemic, the brainwashing will begin again, as evidenced by what a Pennsylvania school in a wealthy district is about to force-feed to kids.

As WND reports, the district will require kids to ‘study’ a book entitled, “Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness,” which – you guessed it – is really just cover for anti-white racism (and if you doubt that, then ask yourself if any school district would be able to get away with requiring students to study a book called, “Not My Idea: A Book About Blackness,” or “Not My Idea: A Book About Brownness”.)

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As if the overt racism against white people isn’t bad enough, the book also teaches kids that “white people who relate to police officers or decline to watch the news are complicit in racism” (who writes this kind of stuff?).

The outlet adds:

The Washington Free Beacon reported Gladwyne Elementary in Lower Merion School District assigned the book for fourth and fifth graders.

The curriculum also assigns “A Kid’s Book About Racism” to kindergarten and first graders, the report said.

Some parents aren’t happy, and the Beacon reported Elana Fishbein, the mother of two boys, wrote to the district superintendent and board demanding the school halt its “cultural proficiency” curriculum.

“The book teaches kids not only to defy parents but to hate themselves. To hate their parents also because they are white,” she said. “By default, [the kids] are white, and they’re privileged, and they’re bad. [The school] is teaching this to little kids.”

Have you ever heard a person of color complain that “racism is taught?” Well, they’re not wrong, are they? It’s also being formally taught – in our public schools.

WND notes further that the new curriculum was sent to parents via email, with the district claiming that current coursework on equality and race wasn’t enough to get the message across to students (that whiteness is bad, apparently.)

“Generally, each class also engages in a cultural proficiency lesson; however, we realize that this is not enough,” Gladwyne principal Veronica Ellers wrote in an email obtained by the Free Beacon. “We plan to continue designing lessons that promote anti-racist actions in the upcoming 20-21 school year and beyond.”

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Amy Buckman, a spokeswoman, said the district wanted an “anti-racist curriculum” for students and insisted on “appropriate books that raise awareness of the very real issues of racism and privilege.”

There are no issues of ‘racism and privilege’ that weren’t created by anti-American culturalists and Left-wing lunatics who have created the concept in order to deconstruct our founding and impose a stricture of Marxist authoritarianism and compliance in its place. 

Public schools should focus on reading, writing, and arithmetic while leaving the job of instilling a child’s values to his or her parents.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.