The tension between Iran and Israel continues to rise as the Iranian military announces the launch of a long-range ‘suicide drone’ designed for a strike in the Jewish city of Tel Aviv.

Iran’s Army Ground Force Brigadier General Kioomars Heidari made a press statement to say that the drone has been fitted with “unique capabilities” and was intended to be used in an attack against ‘liberal’ (in Middle Eastern terms) Israeli cities.

Heidari threatened to “destroy” Tel Aviv and Haifa if the enemy makes mistakes, on the orders of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution Ali Khamenei”.

Officials in Israel hit back at Iran’s threats and warned that if Iran resorted to “force against Israel or Israelis,” it “will meet a painful response against those responsible – on Iranian soil.”

“If Iranian proxies come after us, we will hit Iran directly. We will convince the leader [Khamenei] that terror is not worth it and too costly. 

This will happen in Tehran, in Kermanshah, in Isfahan,” added the director of Israel’s Mossad spy service, David Barnea in a speech at Reichman University on the outskirts of Tel Aviv.

Israel’s Prime Minister, Yair Lapid doubled down on the nation’s warning against Iran. In a video address, Lapid stood next to a stealth bomber and warned the Iranian military not to test his country’s “long arm.” 

“If Iran continues to test us, it will discover Israel’s long arm and capabilities,” he said.

Speaking about the new drone, Heidari said that it has a “range of 2,000 kilometres”.

“Of course, we also have drones with lower ranges in our stockpiles.”

He said that the Arash 2 drone was designed to attack Tel Aviv and Haifa and has numerous deadly, special capabilities including an ability to seek out and then strike at a target numerous times:

“Arash 2’ has both seekers and is also equipped with search systems in addition to other unique capabilities that it recovers itself several times until it hits the target.”

Despite Iran’s hostilities, Western nations continue to seek to secure a nuclear pact with the country, although thus far, no agreement has been struck since discussions first arose in 2021.

In a delicately balanced agreement, which was in place in 2015 but fell through, the West will ease sanctions on unstable Iran provided it adheres to the instructions of the International Energy Agency.

Although Iran has said it is “ready to cooperate” with the IAEA, it has continued to exhibit aggressive behavior and develop weapons for use against neighboring countries.

If the United Nations agreement with Iran continues to fail and the region continues to produce weapons, Iran could launch a strike against Israel’s nuclear sites or major cities and the pact will fall through.

Britain, France, and German foreign ministers issued a written statement to condemn Iran’s “lack of cooperation” with the UN and said it was intent on “its nuclear escalation”.

“In view of Iran’s failure to bring an agreement to the table, we will consult with our international partners on how best to deal with Iran’s continued nuclear escalation“.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.