It didn’t take long after news spread that somehow, some way, in red Georgia two incumbent GOP senators lost to a pair of the most radically left Democrats on the planet for the closet Marxists in that party to crawl out of their holes and begin demanding that President-elect Joe Biden complete Barack Obama’s “transformation” of America (into a socialist nightmare).

Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign propagandist…er, spokesman…Brian Fallon tweeted, “Make DC a state. Restore the Voting Rights Act. Eliminate the filibuster. Reform the courts. Revive democracy.”

Destroy democracy, Brian. Fixed that for you.

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He wasn’t alone, of course

In a profanity-laced tweet, lefist kook Paige Wolf tweeted, “Well I’M calling it. We got the f**king trifecta. Take no prisoners. Burn them to the ground. Kick that turtle shell straight to hell. Pack the courts. End the filibuster, Make DC and Puerto Rico and Guam all motherf**king states.”

Adam Jentleson, a one-time aide to former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), added: “If Democrats win both Senate seats in GA, it’s going to be hard to explain why they should promptly re-empower McConnell by seeking small-ball deals with him instead of getting rid of the filibuster and passing Biden’s big, bold agenda. Biden has a mandate. Time to use it.”

Walter Bragman, another left-wing nut job, added: “Democrats will have complete control of the federal government for two full years. They can pack the court. They can end the wars. They can cut the (monthly) checks. They can guarantee healthcare. They can forgive student and medical debt. If they don’t, you know who to blame.

“They will have to employ the nuclear option and eliminate the filibuster,” he continued. “But they can do it. And given the GOP’s willingness to throw traditions out the window for power, they should. Eliminate the filibuster, ram through huge relief for everyday people and ride it to 2022.”

“Trump has led his party over the precipice. First thing Democrats should do is eliminate the filibuster and get some real work done. Second thing they should do is grant statehood to Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia,” leftist activist July Roginsky declared.

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Got it? The agenda is to ‘Californize’ the entire United States – make it so that Democrats will perpetually remain in power, leaving half the country (or more) with no way to counter the tyranny that is sure to follow save resorting to violence like we saw at the U.S. Capitol Building Wednesday.

Democrats are a bigger threat to the future of our republic than any foreign enemy has posed in decades.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.