Now that impeachment has bombed, Democrats are scrambling to keep the failing narrative of the “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol alive. To do so, they are resorting to extreme measures.

On Sunday, Senator Chris Coons of Delaware threw his support behind the creation of a new commission similar to ones used to examine how terrorists were able to defeat security protocols to hijack planes on 9/11.

While the events of September 11, 2001 were truly a day that will live in national infamy, the hoaxers and hucksters of the anti-Trump resistance would like to trick Americans into believing that what went down in D.C. last month was comparable to the Towers coming down.

Coons appeared on ABC’s “This Week” with longtime Clinton loyalist George Stephanopoulos where he outlined the Democrats’ upcoming move, one which will be hammered incessantly by the one-party state’s media mouthpieces.

Watch below:

Transcript excerpt:

STEPHANOPOULOS: Senator Coons, you just heard Congresswoman Dean right there on the necessity of a 9/11 Commission. You agree?

COONS: I do. George, this was a remarkable week. A powerful week. And I think the House managers, obviously Congresswoman Dean and Congressman Raskin and a very talented team put on an incredibly compelling and powerful case. But there’s still more evidence that the American people need and deserve to hear and a 9/11 Commission is a way to make sure that we secure the Capitol going forward and that we lay bare the record of just how responsible and how abjectly violating of his constitutional oath President Trump really was.

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Along with Coons, Stephanopoulos also chatted with Trump-hating Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Rep. Madeline Dean, a Pennsylvania Democrat who was one of the House impeachment managers.

Such a commission would consume vast amounts of time and resources that could be better allocated in addressing the real needs of suffering Americans in a time of national crisis due to COVID and lasting damage from the crushing lockdowns.

Coons added:

“I do think that we need to spend months and months unearthing all the evidence that can possibly be gotten to through a 9/11-style commission,” he said.

“I, frankly, at that time did not think that spending months fighting over additional witnesses would have changed the outcome of this trial one bit. And the House managers agreed. Many senators were making that point that they had as many votes on the Republican side as were possible to get. Frankly, they got more than even I expected given if you look back a year, the impeachment trial of President Trump that happened a year ago, only one Republican voted to convict,” Coons added.

Senator Coons also said “I think there’s grounds for further proceedings, both civil and criminal against former President Trump,” likely as a result of the commission’s findings.

Now that Democrats have managed to gain control of the entire U.S. government by hook and by crook, they will weaponize it to continue to pursue their insane vendetta against Trump and the 74 + million Americans who voted for him with no consideration of the long term damage to the system.
