Conservative actor James Woods can’t get any respect from social media giant Twitter, as evidenced by the fact that the speech Nazis who run the platform seem to have made it a ritual to block and suspend him that the drop of a hat, for literally no good reason.

In the latest instance of anti-Woods bias, the actor says he was banned from the platform after he made the mistake of supporting police officers and in particular, commemorating officers who have been killed recently in the line of duty (not all of whom were murdered).

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“Starting today I’ll be listing police officers who died in the line of duty in 2020. Some will be from deaths seemingly unrelated. A cancer death, however, may have resulted from assisting during the World Trade Center rescue and aftermath, for example,” he wrote June 7, as rioting and looting continued around the country in response to the killing of George Floyd – whom most every American with a pulse condemns.

No doubt Woods also wanted to show his support for police as calls from Left-wing lunatics increased to “defund” cops or eliminate entire departments altogether, like the idiots on the Minneapolis city council just voted to do.

At the behest of other idiots. 

On that note, Townhall reported:

On Sunday, a veto-proof majority of Minneapolis City Council members announced their intention to defund and disband the city’s police department following the death of George Floyd and subsequent riots. 

On CNN, Alisyn Camerota gave every chance she could to Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender, who surely, Camerota imagined, didn’t actually imagine a “police-free future” for Minneapolis. Oh, but she did.

For his part, Woods was simply trying to highlight the fact that a) not all cops, by far, are racists and murderers; and b) cops don’t always come home from work because they are killed on the job.

But Twitter put him in ‘jail’ for several hours and never even bothered to tell him why he allegedly ‘violated’ the platform’s policies.

The Political Insider adds:

Woods eventually tweeted out 101 dedications over 2 days to officers and some K9 officers who also died in the line of duty. The number one cause of death this year was COVID-19, with 47 of the officers dying due to complications caused by the disease, with the next biggest killer of gunfire at 23, then automobile collisions claiming another 12 lives.

However, Twitter didn’t seem to like that Woods had dedicated his time to memorializing police officers, as his account was temporarily locked.

“Twitter offered no explanation for locking my account,” Woods said. 

“I had started posting the names of all police officers who have died in the line of duty this year,” he continued, adding that he was “nowhere near going through the 97 names (as of this date), but I’m guessing it irked one of the lefties in charge.”

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We’d say that’s a pretty good guess.

Woods added that he wasn’t alone, and that this sort of thing is probably going to become much more common as the 2020 election cycle finally heats up.

“This happened to another conservative verified user I know. They locked her account, then immediately unlocked it. I’m guessing other free thinkers have had the same experience. Probably practicing for the upcoming purge of conservative speech during the election cycle,” he wrote.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.