James Woods lambasted Bill DeBlasio’s after the NYPD “rounded up” Orthodox Jews who gathered to celebrate the Sukkot holiday over the weekend.

Keep in mind, Cuomo and DeBlasio are perfectly fine with police taking action against Jews, but they were told to stand down when Black Lives Matter came to town and observed ZERO “social distancing” guidelines.

“‘Rounding up the Jews’ is an optic that I would never have expected to see in my American lifetime. DeBlasio is a criminal. No wonder he changed his name from Wilhelm. He is an anti-Semite thug piece of shit”, Woods tweeted.

Tweet source: https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1313625009080811520

This is the video that Woods was referencing:

The incident happened on the same day that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo targeted the jewish community in a press conference.

“Orthodox Jewish gatherings often are very, very large and we’ve seen what one person can do in a group,” Cuomo said during a Monday news conference.

Woods even got a retweet from President Trump:

Tweet source: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1313839449588072449

“Wow, what does this grim picture remind you of? I am the only thing in the Radical Left’s way! VOTE”, the President responded.

“Mass gatherings are the super spreader events,” Cuomo also said on Monday.

 “We know there have been mass gatherings going on in concert with religious institutions in these communities for weeks… I’m talking about you’re only supposed to have 50 outdoors, [but] they had 1,000… You don’t see masks and you see clear violation of social-distancing.”

Again we ask, where was this enforcement when Black Lives Matter was holding massive demonstrations in the streets without masks?


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump