On Thursday evening, Republican congressman Jim Jordan joined Fox News host Laura Ingraham to discuss the Inspector General’s report relating to fired FBI Director James Comey.

Jordan slammed Comey, saying that he “owes the whole country” an apology.

“Jim Comey is the guy who allows the dossier to be used to get a warrant to spy on a fellow American citizen, and Jim Comey is the guy who leaks sensitive information, broke the rules of the FBI, leaked sensitive information to The New York Times through his friend Daniel Richman — for what reason?” Jordan said on Thursday.



The report revealed that Comey sent memos to his friend, telling him to leak them to the media. Although Comey clearly broke FBI rules repeatedly, the DOJ decided not to pursue charges. Comey took to Twitter shortly after the report was released and demanded apologies from his critics. Jordan punched back.

“I’m not going to apologize,” Jordan continued. “Jim Comey owes the country an apology because he put us through this for two and a half years, and we know he did it. We know he did it because he was out to get the president based on what happened at that Jan. 6 meeting … they did it to try to get information, trap the president. All the while, he was telling the president, ‘you’re not under investigation.’”

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Rudy Giuliani also joined Ingraham on her show on Thursday.

“What is your personal takeaway from this report, which is exceedingly detailed, and unlike the Special Counsel’s report, exceptionally well-written?” she asked him.

Giuliani responded:

Well, I think this report, forget whether it’s a crime or not, sort of details the worst director in the history of the FBI … Take Jay Edgar Hoover, put him aside, whatever he did, this guy, he broke every rule. If you look at the Horowitz report, he broke every rule of the FBI. Now, I think he should be prosecuted. If you don’t think he should be prosecuted, okay. But for him to say I didn’t leak. The report demonstrates that he leaked. He’s completely lying today. “I didn’t lie”? The report demonstrates he lied. It just — they’re giving him a break. They’re basically saying, “Oh, you know, we shouldn’t prosecute, not enough evidence.” But he lied; he leaked; he’s a disreputable head of the FBI. He’s a disgrace to the FBI. He used it for political purposes, the report demonstrates all of that.

Ingraham later read a quote from the Inspector General’s report: “Witnesses interviewed by the OIG (office of the Inspector General) also said that they discussed Trump’s potential responses to being told about the ‘salacious information’ including that Trump might make statements about, or provide information of value to, the pending Russian interference investigation.” She asked, “Rudy, is this evidence that Comey and FBI officials were trying to undermine Trump from the very beginning, that there was a conspiracy inside that department to set him up at that first meeting?”

Giuliani replied:

100%. Number one, it was a clear entrapment. 100% clear entrapment by Comey, who, despite his moral problems, is a very smart guy. Unlike Mueller, who is lacking intellect, this guy’s very smart. He was trying to trap him, like he trapped (Former national security advisor Michael) Flynn. Trying to trap him. “You’re not a target; it’s okay; I have the thing in my bag, but I wasn’t going to tell you, I’m going to indict you.” Horrible thing to do; any reputable prosecutor would be disgraced by that. So he was going to trap the president, and it’s completely disingenuous for him to make these statements now.

Who knows what the liberal media is going to do with this, but this guy is completely disgraced in the eyes of any FBI agent. They realize this is worse than anything J. Edgar Hoover ever did. When he walked in, when the president was president-elect, and faced him with that, he was trying to tell him, “I have something, I have something on you so you better keep me in office.” And he even realized he was going to do it; there are other statements that made it clear that he realized he was going to extort the president of the United States.

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