House Oversight Committee ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, used just one photo last week to expose a major lie from committee Chairman Rep. Elijah Cummings.

During a hearing on the humanitarian crisis at the border and the unprecedented number of migrants being detained, Cummings decided to throw a hissy-fit when acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan testified.

Soon after Cummings essentially accused the Trump administration of not caring about migrants, Jordan used just one photo to show that Border Patrol agents arguably care more than anyone about saving lives.

Jordan’s rebuttal began with a photo of a Border Patrol agent helping an injured child.

Here’s the photo Jordan used:

That clearly shows a Border Patrol agent, one of many that Cummings and Democrats smeared, was trying to help a young migrant child in need.

“Does that look like a deficit of empathy right there?” Jordan said. “That’s the kind of stuff that happens every single day on the border, doesn’t it?” 

“Right,” McAleenan replied. 

Perhaps the most damning fact that Jordan highlighted as he castigated the Democrats for “choosing to play politics” with the border and “fabricating stories of cruelty and besmirching the hard-working civil servants protecting the border.”

And then Jordan asked the perfect question: “Mr. Secretary, would it have helped to get the resources when you asked for them?” 

“Of course,” McAleenan said. 

That’s the problem: Republicans have been warning about the migrant crisis for months — Democrats have refused to agree to a deal that would provide adequate funding to help Border Patrol.

Maybe it is because Democrats don’t want to fix the border crisis. 

“They won’t fix the asylum law,” Jordan said. “They won’t fix border security wall, say it’s ‘not a crisis,’ say it’s ‘manufactured,’ say it’s ‘contrived’ when it actually is a crisis!” 

“What do Democrats do when they have to acknowledge a problem that doesn’t align with their politics? They look for someone to blame. Who else but the president of the United States and the hard-working men and women who work tirelessly every day trying to secure our border,” he said.  



Jordan ended his time with another bombshell.

And then he noted one of the most uncomfortable facts of the whole border crisis: “During the presidency of Barack Obama, we didn’t see outrage from the Democrats then.”

Jordan also noted that “not one single so-called cage has been constructed by the Trump administration.”
