If, as a supporter of President Trump who doesn’t live in one of the elitist New York-California bubbles, you are sick and tired of blow-dried, self-important, pinheads insulting you and telling you that you have no right to be upset about losing a job or your livelihood, get in line.

Because it’s growing.

Late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel, who’s living well and has all he needs while continuing to be paid through the coronavirus outbreak — which is waning, by the way — took aim at Trump-supporting Southerners during yet another lecture-tirade than only a tone-deaf moron like him finds ‘funny’ on Tuesday.

In delivering his monologue from the ‘confines’ of his multi-million dollar mansion — which he is entitled to, by the way, because he can buy whatever he pleases with his own money — Kimmel decried as “crazy Right-wing” voters Americans who are rising up and protesting prolonged ‘stay-at-home’ orders that are bankrupting them.

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“People are getting restless,” he said. “Especially the people who aren’t too bright. In Florida, on Saturday, I saw the hashtag #FloridaMorons was trending and thought, well, this could mean a lot of things.”

Right. Because only dumb people savor liberty.

Kimmel attacked the Florida mayor over his decision to reopen beaches in Jacksonville: “Of course no one followed the rules. Fortunately, there are no old people living in Florida who might be at risk.”

Yeah, because there are lots of elderly people who hang out on Florida’s beaches just waiting to become infected. No where in Mayor Lenny Curry’s order was that a mandate that people who are more at risk for contracting coronavirus line up at the beach to be breathed on.

Then Kimmel turned to another Southern state — Georgia.

“The governor of Georgia is planning to reopen tattoo parlors and bowling alleys this week,” he added. “Which I think that’s on their state flag, right?”

Next, all Americans who are protesting economically destructive stay at home orders came under fire — because they’re not fortunate enough to play a jerk on TV.

“There were some very creative signs that illustrated this plight,” he mocked. “Many are experiencing so powerfully, like, ‘I need a haircut. Massage is essential. Jesus is my vaccine.’”

“In Denver, Colorado, there was a standoff between protesters and an angry health care worker. Well, you know what they say: It ain’t over till the fat lady screams crazy, right-wing talking points at a medical professional who’s trying to save her family’s lives,” he continued.

And of course, Kimmel couldn’t resist jabbing President Trump — a billionaire businessman who became president on his first try.

“[O]ur president is encouraging them,” he insisted. “Despite everyone who works for him telling people to stay at home. Despite the official White House mandate being shelter-in-place, over the weekend, the guy who runs the White House tweeted, ‘Liberate Michigan, liberate Minnesota, and liberate Virginia.’”

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There are other experts, some from Kimmel’s home state of California, who believe, after conducting studies, that the president’s experts are wrong. But hey, protesting isn’t cool anymore unless it involves Left-wing sycophants and anarchists, huh Jimmy?

“I’m starting to think that these characters who support Trump might be suicidal. They seem to fight the hardest for the things that will kill them. They want freedom to gather in large groups during an epidemic. They want guns. They want pollution. I figured it out. They want to die and they’re taking us down with them,” Kimmel whined.

Actually, we don’t want to ‘take you’ anywhere, bud. You go ahead and play the good little obedient Marxist and do as you’re told, stay ‘hunkered down,’ and continue pretending like people are hinging on your every word and that you really do ‘make a difference.’

If you care to see Kimmel’s hate-filled rant, look below:


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.