By Clayton Keirns

As a Democrat, you know you really messed up when even a far-left media publication is calling you out for misleading claims. That’s exactly what happened with Joe Biden’s latest ad in which he attack President Trump’s “social security plan”.

Late last week, The Washington Post published a fact check which gave Biden’s new ad FOUR “pinnochios”. This means its just short of being almost completely made up.

Biden’s newest campaign ad attacked a Social Security plan from President Trump that “does not exist,” according to Glenn Kessler at WaPo.

Here’s what the ad claims:

“The chief actuary of the Social Security Administration just released an analysis of Trump’s planned cuts to Social Security. Under Trump’s plan, Social Security would become permanently depleted by the middle of calendar year 2023. If Trump gets his way, Social Security benefits will run out in just three years from now. Don’t let it happen. Joe Biden will protect Social Security.”

However, Kessler points out why these claims are extremely misleading and downright false. 

“Trump gets mentioned in this ad three times. But there is no such Trump plan,” Kessler wrote, before awarding the ad four Pinocchios.

While the Trump White House has suggested this is similar to a payroll tax holiday in the Obama administration during the Great Recession, that law had a provision saying Social Security would be made whole with transfers from general funds (regular tax revenue). This executive order does not say that, but one would presume that any forgiveness would be accompanied by such transfers,he added.

Kessler ended his piece with a quote from Trump that puts the nail in the coffin:

But on Aug. 13, Trump appeared to make his position clearer: “When we win the election — when I win the election, I’m going to completely and totally forgive all deferred payroll taxes without in any way, shape or form hurting Social Security. That money is going to come from the general fund. We’re not going to touch Social Security. I said from day one that we’re going to protect Social Security, and we’re going to protect our people. And Social Security is one of the things that will be protected.” (On Aug. 10, Trump also had said he would pay through the general fund with “zero impact” on Social Security, but then he contradicted himself again the next two days.)

What is your reaction to the Biden campaign pushing blatantly false information in order to push a narrative?

Comment below with your reaction…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump