More and more people are coming to President Donald Trump’s defense after a ‘bombshell’ story published by The Atlantic claimed that he described American servicemen killed in action during a famous World War I battle in France “losers” and “suckers.”

According to the anonymously-sourced report by Left-wing editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, the president also disparaged the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and did not want to accommodate his funeral:

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When McCain died, in August 2018, Trump told his senior staff, according to three sources with direct knowledge of this event, “We’re not going to support that loser’s funeral,” and he became furious, according to witnesses, when he saw flags lowered to half-staff. “What the f**k are we doing that for? Guy was a f**king loser,” the president told aides.

For his part, the president has vehemently pushed back on the report – so much so that even one of his biggest critics, CNN ‘media analyst’ Brian Stelter, is calling on the alleged sources to identify themselves publicly because the election is so close.

But one by one, other media figures as well as some of the president’s former administration officials are flatly rejecting the story as just the latest Left-wing Democrat hoax to trip the president up before the election – an “October Surprise” in September, as Rush Limbaugh noted on his Friday show.

One of them is no fan of the president, former National Security Adviser John Bolton, who claims the ‘losers and suckers’ story is false.

The New York Times reported:

He got support from an unlikely source on Friday when John R. Bolton, his former national security adviser who has broken with him and called him unfit for office, said he was on the trip in question and never heard Mr. Trump make those remarks. “I didn’t hear that,” Mr. Bolton said in an interview. “I’m not saying he didn’t say them later in the day or another time but I was there for that discussion.”

Sen. McCain’s son-in-law, The Federalist co-founder Ben Domenech, also downplayed the story.

“I’m confident I have better sources within this White House than @JeffreyGoldberg, and I expect that upon investigation his anonymously sourced story will live up to the quality we can expect from The Atlantic under his leadership,” he wrote on Twitter.

Breitbart News added:

Bolton, who has emerged as an adversary of the president since leaving the administration last fall, wrote in his tell-all book about Trump that the visit to the cemetery by helicopter had been canceled because of weather. Driving, Bolton wrote, was not an option because of the “unacceptable risk” of being stuck in traffic if an emergency arose. He criticized the media for falsely reporting that Trump skipped his visit because he was “afraid of the rain.”

And there’s more. Twitter user Techno Fog and others point out that there are gaping holes in the story regarding Goldberg’s allegations that Trump did not want to visit a historic French cemetery where thousands of American troops are interned because he was afraid of having his hair messed up:

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It’ll be interesting to see if these alleged sources materialize.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.