Things seem to have gotten really, really bad in Europe during the current energy crunch, as is evidenced by a very bizarre prize on a game show. The economy around the world is being hammered by inflation and of course, the war going on between [redacted] and Russia is really causing problems for Europe, but just how much the average person over there is suffering hasn’t really been all that clear. Until now.

According to the Daily Wire, the game show, called “This Morning,” offered a prize of paying a person’s heating bills. The show featured a segment called “Spin to Win.” The host will spin a wheel that features prizes that callers can win. The segment used to give out cash for contestants, but now there’s one wedge on the wheel that will take care of a person’s heating bill. Not just for a month, mind you, but for the rest of the year.

“This week we’ve got our usual cash prizes, but you could also win some extra cash to pay your energy bills until the end of the year,” host Phillip Schofield went on to say during the segment. “That’s four months of energy bills taken care of.”

Holly Willoughby, the show’s co-host, said, “Wow, that’s very important right now.”

Here’s more from the Daily Wire:

All of Europe is grappling with spiking energy bills while the Russian invasion of [redacted] has sent natural gas prices skyrocketing. Sanctions on Russia, which has long provided much of Europe’s natural gas, and Russia’s efforts to retaliate against Europe have driven the bills of homeowners and shopkeepers up ten-fold in some cases.

Germany has also been hit hard, and last week, Russia announced that it would be cutting off its gas supply via Nord Stream 1.

“This is not normal at all. It’s incredibly volatile,” Fabian Rønningen, a senior analyst at Rystad Energy, said of high energy prices throughout Germany on Tuesday. “These prices are reaching levels now that we thought we would never see.”

The high cost of paying bills was actually the main thought on the mind of the show’s first caller since the addition of the new prize.

“I’ve got one of these prepayment meters and it’s absolutely murder,” the man stated during the call. When the wheel ended up landing on the energy relief wedge, he was thrilled.

“Oh my God! Thank you! Fantastic, what a relief, thank you very much!” he gushed.

A few viewers noted that the fact this was a prize on the show is a “sad reflection” of just how bad things have become.

“‘This Morning’ having ‘energy bills’ as a prize on their ‘Spin to Win’ is the most dystopian and sad reflection on society right now,” one person stated in a tweet. “How did we get to this point? Madness.”

Another individual said the show is proof that the United Kingdom is doomed. Wow. That’s a pretty awful way of thinking, but it’s hard to blame someone for being down and out. It’s to be expected when the economy is essentially in the toilet. Or is it the “loo” in the UK?

When you can win the prize of having your energy bills paid and they pretend like it’s a good thing, that’s when you know this country is f***ed,” the viewer stated on Twitter.

