Washed-up NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick is a very wealthy man who, at any time, is able to surround himself with as much security as he wants.

But ordinary Americans whom he claims to ‘care’ so much about don’t have that luxury. So they have to depend on the civil society in order to be as safe as they possibly can be.

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And do you know who ensures we have a civil society? Our country’s federal, state, and local law enforcement officers. Because without them, there would be chaos on our streets, our cities would burn, and our communities would disintegrate.

Kaepernick apparently doesn’t have a single problem with that. And thanks to a partnership with Ben & Jerry’s, he’d like for all of us to enjoy a new ice cream flavor while we watch America’s version of Rome burn.

The Blaze reports:

Vermont-based ice cream manufacturer Ben & Jerry’s has announced that it is releasing a new frozen confection flavor in honor of NFL player-turned activist Colin Kaepernick and his work in equality and in eradicating police brutality.

In a Thursday press release, the company announced that the new dessert — a non-dairy flavor in an apparent nod to Kaepernick’s veganism — is called “Change the Whirled” and features a caramel sunflower butter base with fudge chips, graham cracker swirls, and chocolate cookie swirls.

The new flavor, according to the company’s release, “celebrates Kaepernick’s courageous work to confront systemic oppression and to stop police violence against black and brown people.”

“Kaepernick’s portion of the proceeds from sales of Change the Whirled will support the work of Know Your Rights Camp. Kaepernick founded Know Your Rights Camp in Oakland, CA in 2016 to advance the liberation and well-being of Black and Brown communities. The Camp’s curriculum is designed around 10 points including that Black and Brown people have the rights to be free, healthy, brilliant, safe, loved, courageous, alive, trusted, educated and to know their rights,” the release states.

“I’m honored to partner with Ben & Jerry’s on Change the Whirled,” said Kaepernick. “Their commitment to challenging the anti-Black roots of policing in the United States demonstrates a material concern for the wellbeing of Black and Brown communities. My hope is that this partnership will amplify calls to defund and abolish the police and to invest in futures that can make us safer, healthier, and truly free.”

“Colin Kaepernick and his Know Your Rights Camp is the perfect partner for Ben & Jerry’s to continue to advance our work on issues of racial justice,” said Matthew McCarthy, CEO of Ben & Jerry’s. “Ben & Jerry’s is proud to diversify our flavor portfolio by honoring Kaepernick with a full-time flavor. We deeply respect how Colin uses his voice to protest racism, white supremacy and police violence through the belief that ‘love is at the root of our resistance. We have tremendous hope in what we can accomplish together,” he added.

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Just what the country needs amid its ongoing divisions and civil strife, most of which is being caused by the idiots who worship Kaepernick and those very wealthy ‘socialists’ at Ben & Jerry’s: Woke dessert.



Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.