Kamala Harris released a Kwanzaa video this holiday season detailing how she frequently celebrated the holiday as a child.

The video was obviously just more pandering from one of the phoniest politicians in American history. The Twitter community wasn’t having it considering Harris immediately got hammered for her bogus video as people pointed out all the flaws and lies in what Harris had said.

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Check out what Yahoo News reported in relation to the original video from Harris:

“It’s about not letting anyone write our future for us, but instead going out and writing it for ourselves,” Kamala Harris said.

In honor of the first day of Kwanzaa, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris shared a video to commemorate the holiday she attributed as one of her childhood memories.

In the video, she shared that her family plans on celebrating over Zoom due to the coronavirus pandemic as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests limiting large gatherings and traveling during the holiday season.

“You know, my sister and I, we grew up celebrating Kwanzaa. Every year, our family and our extended family, we would gather around across multiple generations and we’d tell stories and light the candles,” Harris said.

Check out the video below:

“Our Kwanzaa celebrations are one of my favorite childhood memories,” Harris tweeted. “The whole family would gather around across multiple generations and we’d tell stories and light the candles. Whether you’re celebrating this year with those you live with or over Zoom, happy Kwanzaa!”

Harris immediately got shredded. Check out some of the reactions below:

“As some one who was born & raised in Africa I can tell there is no such thing as Kwanza. Kamala knows nothing about it because she is an Indian Jamaican who grew up in Canada.”

“Kwanzaa started in this country in LA CA in 1966 (by Ron Karenga & the US organization) Considering timelines What generations of your family were celebrated Kwanzaa when you grew up? Or is this more of listening to then 9 yr old Tupac & Snoop Dog when you were in the dorms?”

“Yes I’m sure that a mixed Indian and Jamaican household that *lived in Canada* was celebrating a holiday that didn’t even come into vogue until the early 2000’s.”

“Grandma and great-grandpa celebrated Kwanzaa for many generations before it was invented in 1966 and you were two. #HowDoYouDoFellowKwanzans”

“We “Jamaicans” do not celebrate Kwanzaa. Also, being first-generation myself, I’m confused as to how you could celebrate with multiple generations. This is such a fake post, I understand it’s intent, but please do not be fake about it. Just say happy Kwanzaa.”

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“The funniest response I have seen so far reacting to obvious Kamala lie is: “Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.””

“Might be the most epic pandering I’ve ever seen from a politician”

“KH was born in 1964. She is Indian/Jamaican. Kwanza began in 1966 and is an AFRICAN holiday. Yes – total LIE.”

“Jamaican- Americans celebrated Kwanza in Canada?”

“Imagine celebrating a godless holiday created by Ron Karenga, a violent convicted felon, who tortured & abused black women. Disgusting!”

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