Joe Biden and his supporters often claim they want to “unify” the country, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Biden has pushed the divisive “fine people hoax” and even told black people that Republicans will put them “back in chains”.

But not only does Joe Biden not want to unify the country, but his supporters don’t either.

Kathy Griffin is one of the biggest Joe Biden supporters around, and she is once again fantasizing about beheading President Trump.

On election night, she re-posted her infamous “Bloody Trump head” picture


Sadly, her post received 62,000 likes. That’s 62,000 people who also want to see Trump beheaded, but somehow the LEFT is the “party of unity”?

The craziest part of all is that this tweet somehow doesn’t violate Twitters “community guidelines”.

Do you believe that the Secret Service should get involved? 

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"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump