Far-left Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot threatened White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany last week to “watch her mouth,” while calling her “Karen” after the press secretary urged Lightfoot to request federal help to combat the violence in her city.

During the Fox News show “Watters’ World,” McEnany blasted Lightfoot with facts as she responded to the Chicago mayor’s comment.

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“Yes, my response is that I’m very upset about the violence in the streets of her city,” she said. “You know, she’s focused on words. But instead, she should be focused on action, because you know, right now, this weekend, what we’ll see is — hopefully not — but what we’ve routinely seen are double-digit numbers of people dying in her city. So she needs to focus on securing her streets. I understand the truth hurts. The President has written her a letter and offered her help. And she needs to take it because it’s inexcusable when children die in the Democrat-run streets of Chicago. Mayor Lightfoot, excuse me, should be focused on that.

“Lightfoot, yes. Lightweight, Lightfoot, whatever you want to call it,” Watters responded.

“Lightweight,” McEnany said.


The whole ordeal between the two started during a press conference on Thursday when McEnany blasted Lightfoot as “derelict” in her duty to protect black lives.

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McEnany was asked by a reporter: “In an interview with CBS News, President Trump said, “More white people are killed,” as an answer to why black people are still being killed by police officers. But by population percentages, black people are about three times more likely than white people to die in a police encounter. If the President won’t even acknowledge that, how can he fix the problem?”

McEnany replied, “The President has routinely acknowledged and expressed the absolute atrocity of the case of George Floyd, and his heart goes out to that family still. He was noting a fact that there were — when you look at unarmed killings with police interactions in this country, that you had 9 unarmed black individuals who were fatally shot and 19 unarmed white individuals. That’s down from 38 and 32, respectively, in 2015. So numbers have actually come down since the Obama administration. He was making that point.”

“But one point he wants to strongly make is this: that black men and women who die of homicide, they’re likely to die of homicide at eight times greater than that of white individuals and Hispanics combined,” McEnany continued. “That’s the rate combined. So that’s an extraordinary thing that we want to look at.”

She finished, “I’ve listed for you the names of these kids who have died across this country. It is unacceptable, and under this President, he’ll take action. And the derelict mayor of Chicago should step up and ask for federal help because she’s doing a very poor job at securing her streets.”

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