White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Monday if Americans needed any more proof that Democratic leadership is a failure, all they need to do is look at what’s going on ahead of Election Day Tuesday in blue cities.

In an interview with “Fox & Friends,” co-host Steve Doocy asked McEnany about reports that businesses, churches, and other public spaces were boarding up windows ahead of Tuesday’s vote due to rampant reports that police are expecting a wave of violence.

“They are increasing security in Portland, in Philadelphia, in Lansing, Michigan; Baltimore, Charlottesville, Detroit, Jamesville, Wisconsin, Chicago, New York City, and Washington, DC. What does that say to you about the state of America in 2020 that, if a certain candidate is elected or re-elected people are going to, rather than vote to impact change, they’re going to try to break a window?” Doocy asked.

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“Notice what those cities have in common. They’re all Democrat cities. What are they saying with this boarding up, with this civil unrest that they’re expecting? They’re saying, ‘If you don’t choose the left’s chosen candidate, we will send the left out to attack you. That’s as close to extortion as you can get and Joe Biden has the power to say, ‘Stand down’ to the mob. Will he do it?” McEnany replied.

“This is all the proof you need that the left should not be given federal power. We deserve the great American tradition of democracy, of peaceful elections, of accepting the vote of the American people, but the boarded-up windows, the closed-down stores tell you all you need to know about the modern American left. The violence is unacceptable and they are not deserving of federal power,” she added.

As we reported Saturday, police departments around the country are preparing for outbreaks of looting, rioting, and other mass protests that could get violent.

“I don’t think we’ve seen ­anything like this in modern times,” Andrew Walsh, a deputy chief with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, told The Washington Post. “When you look at previous elections, there’s always been the concern when you have large crowds . . . we know [that] can be a target for someone who has an agenda.

“We just don’t know how long this is going to take, or what this is going to look like, once this is over … and no matter who wins, somebody’s not going to be happy,” Walsh, who heads up the Las Vegas Police Department’s homeland security division, added.

“It is no secret that this election is more contentious [than] in years past,” said NYPD Chief of Department Terence Monahan. “For that reason … our plan also includes the ability to respond to any type of incident that may occur.”

Washington, D.C. police are taking similar measures and making preparations.

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“It is widely believed that there will be civil unrest after the November election regardless of who wins,” said D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham. “It is also believed that there is a strong chance of unrest when Washington, D.C., hosts the inauguration in January.”

Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown said all leave and vacation has been canceled for the entire month of November in preparation for “whatever scenario happens on Election Day.”

State National Guard units are also being alerted and called up, to provide assistance to local authorities.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.